Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance creates a new permit system for portable, sandwich-board style signs in the public right of way. Each sign requires a $100 annual permit and Zoning Staff estimates the City may issue between 50 to 200 permits, resulting in an increase in permit revenue ranging from $5,000 to $20,000.
SUBSTITUTE CHARTER Creating Section 31.046(2)(c) of the Madison General Ordinances to create a new permit system to allow portable, sandwich-board style signs in the public right-of-way.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This Charter Ordinance would create a new permit system for portable, sandwich-board style signs in the public right-of-way. This ordinance creates detailed criteria for the size, design, and placement of such signs. The maximum gross area of 30 inches wide and 48 inches high, with two sign faces (one on each side) of not more than 2 x 3 feet. All elements of the sign, including the supporting frame/structure shall fit within the maximum gross area of 30 x 48 inches. Each sign would require a detailed application process where the Zoning Administrator would inspect the proposed location and approve each sign. Each sign would require an $100 annual permit running from April to April to coincide with sidewalk café and other vending licenses. The ordinance relies on the street vending definition of the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse Vending Area to create location requirement for signs within this geographic area. The location for portable signs on the sidewalk in that area shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator, using the placement requirements for sidewalk cafes in Sec. 9.13(6)(j), MGO, as a starting point with the precise location for each sign determined on a case-by-case basis by the Zoning Administrator. Signs outside this area will also be approved on a case-by-case basis with similar placement criteria such as maintaining an unobstructed 6-foot pedestrian walkway, keeping clear of bike racks, trees, bus s...
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