Fiscal Note
This resolution amends the 2010 Fire Department's Operating Budget by increasing expenditures and revenues by $66,885. No appropriation is required.
Accepting a grant from the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) for the Vision 20/20 project for $66,885.40 and the donation of 3,000 smoke alarms.
The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) has notified the Fire Department that the City of Madison has been chosen to receive $66,885.40 in grant funds and the donation of approximately $48,000 in smoke alarms. Vision 20/20 is a program that is funded by the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) EMW-2009-FP-00119 to provide IFE and Vision 20/20 the ability to designate specific locations in the United States to carry out the terms of the grant award for preventive activities known as Integrated Risk Management.
This program requires the Fire Department to identify high risk areas of the City for the performance of home safety visits, smoke alarm checks and smoke alarm installations. Installations of smoke alarms must occur within the grant performance period. The Fire Department will also be responsible for collecting data for each home visit and compiling data as required under this program.
The grant budget for this program is as follows:
$31,115.00 Overtime Salaries (GN01-51300-723300)
6,885.00 Benefits (GN01-52000-723300)
10,000.00 Consulting Services (GN01-54950-723300)
3,600.00 Advertising (GN01-54910-723300)
4,152.90 Work Supplies (GN01-55510-723300)
2,500.00 Mileage (GN01-54620-723300)
119.00 Reproduction (GN01-55130-723300)
201.00 Postage (GN01-55140-723300)
8,312.50 Food/beverages (GN01-55540-723300)
(66,885.40) Foundation Grant (GN01-78520-723300)
WHEREAS, we wish to improve the safety of citizens in high risk areas our City.
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