Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution has no fiscal impact. City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval.
Authorizing the City of Madison Planning Division to prepare an amendment to the High Point-Raymond Neighborhood Development Plan.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 2006 and the Plan recommends that the City adopt neighborhood plans for future City growth areas; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan recommends regularly reviewing, evaluating and updating neighborhood development plans to keep the recommendations current; and
WHEREAS, neighborhood development plans include detailed recommendations regarding land use, transportation, parks and open space and utility service, and are used to guide future urban development within City growth areas; and
WHEREAS, the City adopted the High Point-Raymond Neighborhood Development Plan in 1997 with amendments in 2001, 2005, and 2006; and
WHEREAS, the plan was adopted in conjunction with the Ice Age Trail Junction Area Project that identified corridors for open space preservation; and
WHEREAS, the Project was only partially implemented; and
WHEREAS, substantial development has occurred in the High Point-Raymond Neighborhood Development Plan planning area and the surrounding area, including nearby major employers; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable to amend the plan so that it better incorporates existing and proposed transportation system improvements and contemporary neighborhood planning principles; and
WHEREAS, a plan amendment would facilitate a better interface between developed lands and undeveloped lands, improve neighborhood connectivity, refine the mix of uses, reconsider block sizes and configurations, refine park locations, improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, plan for transit, and plan for the efficient provision of City services.
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