Authorizing an Amendment No. 6 to the contract between the City of Madison and Potter Lawson, Inc., in the amount of $4,025 for additional architectural and engineering design services for the City-County Building & Madison Municipal Building Tenant Improvements. (6th AD)
Whereas, the parties, the City of Madison (“City”) and Potter Lawson, Inc. (“Architect” or “Contractor”) entered into a contract for purchase of architectural and engineering design services for the City-County Building Tenant Improvement Remodels on August 17, 2006, and
Whereas, the amendment is the continuation of construction administration for the design and construction of tenant improvement remodels in the City-County Building (CCB) and the Madison Municipal Building (MMB), and
Whereas, provide additional architectural and electrical engineering design services to revise the configuration of the Reception Counter at Central District Police Remodeling to suit the new furniture plan requested by staff and make revisions to the construction drawings during the construction phase, for the additional fee of $875, and,
Whereas, provide additional architectural services that are needed for six(6) additional construction meetings that were not contemplated in the Architect’s original contract for services from Amendment No.1 for CCB/MMB Phase 2 Remodels, due to construction time extensions associated with existing asbestos material abatement, for the additional fee of $3,150, and,
Whereas, the 2008 Capital Budget includes funding for architectural and engineering consultant design services, an Architect consultant must be hired to design this additional project, and
Whereas, the additional services exceed the expenditure authorized in Resolution #RES-06-00639, and exceed the predicted quantity of work described in the existing contract, such that they are “Extra Services” under Sections 10 and 24 and not “Additional Services” under Section VII. of Attachment 1, and
Now, Therefor...
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