Fiscal Note
This revision aligns the City's ordinance with new provisions in state law. No significant fiscal impact is anticipated. No appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE. Amending Sections 23.05(1), 23.05(3)(u), and 23.05(7), repealing Sec. 23.05(6)(e) and 23.05(6)(f), renumbering Sec. 23.05(7)(e) to Sec. 23.05(7)(b), respectively, and creating Sec. 23.05(14) of the Madison General Ordinances to modify the smoking ordinance to bring it into conformity with state statute.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This substitute ordinance modifies the City’s smoking ordinance to bring it into conformity with state law. It authorizes the City Attorney to take action where needed to enjoin continued violation of MGO Sec. 23.05. This substitute ordinance also repeals the subsection that permitted smoking in separately ventilated rooms in places of employment. This ordinance also changes the definition of retail tobacco store and tobacco bar to bring it into conformity with the new state law that becomes effective on July 5, 2010. This ordinance also removes the ability to smoke on stage and in all rooms in bed and breakfast establishments, hotels and motels and private clubs to be in conformity with the new state law.
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