Fiscal Note
Funds are available in Acct. No. CB33-58011-810499
Authorizing an Amendment No. 4 to the contract between the City of Madison and Potter Lawson, Inc., in the amount of $11,458 for additional architectural and engineering design services for the City-County Building & Madison Municipal Building Tenant Improvements. (6th AD)
Whereas, the parties, the City of Madison ("City") and Potter Lawson, Inc. ("Architect" or "Contractor") entered into a contract for purchase of architectural and engineering design services for the City-County Building Tenant Improvement Remodels on August 17, 2006, and
Whereas, the amendment is the continuation of development and preparation of architectural and engineering design, space planning, plans, space planning, and specifications, preparation of bid documents, assistance in the bid process and construction administration for the design and construction of tenant improvement remodels in the City-County Building (CCB) and the Madison Municipal Building (MMB), and
Whereas, provide additional architectural and engineering design services for changes in the original scope of work for CCB 4th Floor Comptroller's Office, which includes additional office space remodeling and additional ceiling replacement, for the additional fee of $3,200, and,
Whereas, provide additional architectural and engineering design services for changes in the original scope of work for MMB 1st Floor Housing Operations , which includes design revisions for an Admissions Office space for the additional fee of $405, and,
Whereas, provide additional architectural and engineering design services for changes in the original scope of work for MMB 2nd Floor DPCED Breakroom, which includes design revisions for a staff break room for the additional fee of $600, and,
Whereas, provide additional architectural and engineering design services for changes in the original scope of work for MMB 3rd Floor DPCED Real Estat...
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