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File #: 53439    Version: 1 Name: Integrated Pest Management Policy Review Task Force Meeting Materials
Type: Miscellaneous Status: In Committee
File created: 11/1/2018 In control: INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT POLICY REVIEW TASK FORCE (ended 10/2020)
On agenda: Final action: 3/31/2022
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Integrated Pest Management Policy Review Task Force Meeting Materials
Attachments: 1. Pest management on City Property - Policy 051804.pdf, 2. IPM Task Force survey memo 110518.pdf, 3. IPM Policy Survey DRAFT 110118.pdf, 4. IPM Basics and Benefits Presentation_Thomas Green 110518.pdf, 5. IPM Policy Survey DRAFT w. Cover 112018.pdf, 6. IPM-PRTF Project Charter 11-28-18 DRAFT.pdf, 7. 2017 Pesticide Use_Water Utility_Combined.pdf, 8. Public Health Pesticide Report and Plan 2017.pdf, 9. Engineering 2017 Pest Management Report Final.pdf, 10. 2017 Parks Pesticide Report_w.o policy.pdf, 11. San Francisco IPM Ordinance_1996.pdf, 12. Portland ME Pesticide Use Ordinance 2018.pdf, 13. San Francisco IPM Plan_2010.pdf, 14. City of Dubuque IPM Plan_REVISED 2016.pdf, 15. Carlsbad IPM Plan 2017.pdf, 16. IPM Taskforce Presentation 121718_Hausbeck.pdf, 17. Municipal IPM Programs 121718_Green.pdf, 18. Best IPM Practices Table DRAFT 121618.pdf, 19. Parks Land Mngmnt Plan 2017 ADOPTED.pdf, 20. Best Practices - Turf Management and Pollinator Conservation_2016.pdf, 21. Parks Division IPM Practices_Pres 010719.pdf, 22. 2018-2023 Parks and Open Space.pdf, 23. Powell_MEJO IPM Input.pdf, 24. Department Pesticide Report_Management Matrix Dec2018.pdf, 25. Reso51224_SUB_Creating IPM-PRTF 2018.pdf, 26. Parks Division Responses to 010719 Qs.pdf, 27. IPM Practices Survey_Key Findings.pdf, 28. IPM Policy and Operations Manual_EugeneOR.pdf, 29. IPM Recommendations Summary Annotated 031219_FINAL.pdf, 30. IPM-PRTF Report to Common Council 031219_FINAL.pdf