Fiscal Note
The project cost is estimated at $115,000. The City share of the project is one-third of the project, estimated to be $38,333. Budget authority is available in the 2012 adopted operating budget of Traffic Engineering, Acct. No. GN01-54950-577102.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement with Strand Associates for design engineering services for the Traffic Study - University Avenue, University Campus Drive, Regent Neighborhood, and Village of Shorewood Hills.
The City is proposing to conduct a Traffic Study of University Avenue from Breese Terrace to Midvale Boulevard. The consortium of three project partners include the City of Madison, The Village of Shorewood Hills and the University of Wisconsin. The consultant's services will include studying the existing and future traffic conditions on University Ave and within the Regent Neighborhood and the Village of Shorewood Hills. The consultant will provide a standard transportation impact analysis and a joint transportation plan to respond to issues and opportunities related to development and traffic and neighborhood livability in the study area surrounding University Avenue.
Pursuant to City Ordinances and Policies, the City Traffic Engineer advertised for consultant proposals, reviewed the submitted proposals, and recommends the design engineer contract be awarded to Strand Associates.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Strand Associates for design engineering services for the Traffic Study - University Avenue from Breese Terrace to Midvale Boulevard.