Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution reallocates an employee from an Occupational Accommodations Specialist 2 to an Occupational Accommodations Specialist 3. The annualized cost increase from this change is $7,000 to $10,000. Any additional costs in 2023 will be accommodated within Human Resource's existing budget.
Reallocate the employee of position #872 from an Occupational Accommodations Specialist 2 (CG18, R8) to the budgeted position of Occupational Accommodations Specialist 3 (CG18, R10).
Resolution reallocating the employee of position #872, V. Larson, from an Occupational Accommodations Specialist 2 (CG18, R8) to the budgeted position of Occupational Accommodations Specialist 3 (CG18, R10) within the permanent salary details of the Human Resources Operating Budget, thereof.