Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the creation of a Records Management Coordinator 2 (CG18, RG06) which replaces the Administrative Assistant position (#3286) in the Information Technology Department. The cost of creating the position for the remainder of 2017 is approximately $3,200, including benefits. The 2017 costs will be funded through the management of salary savings. The projected annualized cost is $6,600, including benefits.
Create the classifications of “Records Management Coordinator 1” (CG18, R4) and “Records Management Coordinator 2” (CG18, R6). Recreate and retitle the 1.0 FTE position #3286 of “Administrative Assistant” in CG20-14, currently filled by Ms. Leslie Starczewski, as a “Records Management Coordinator 2” in CG18-06, within the Information Technology budget. The incumbent will underfill the new position, and the position will be posted and filled internally through a competitive process.
Resolution creating the classifications of “Records Management Coordinator 1” (CG18, R4) and “Records Management Coordinator 2” (CG18, R6), deleting and recreating the 1.0 FTE position #3286 of “Administrative Assistant” in CG20-14, currently filled by Ms. Leslie Starczewski, as a 1.0 FTE “Records Management Coordinator 2” in CG18-06, within the Information Technology budget, thereof. Be it further resolved that the new position of Records Management Coordinator 2 be created, posted and filled internally through a competitive process.