Fiscal Note
This position is funded from an outside source, and the Police Department's 2012 Adopted Operating Budget has sufficient funding for this .05 FTE increase.
Increasing the full time equivalency of a Management Information Specialist (MIS2) position, currently occupied by C. Coats (#4317), from 0.75 FTE to 0.80 FTE, in the Police Department budget, effective September 2, 2012, through existing funding from the Regional Law Enforcement Records Management System (RMS) Consortium
WHEREAS, Mr. Casey Coats is employed by the Police Department as a 0.75 FTE Management Information Specialist 2 (M152), in Compensation Group 18, Range 08; and,
WHEREAS, the Regional Law Enforcement Records Management System (RMS) Consortium is a group of surrounding communities who access Madison Police Department computer systems and technology, and pays for those services; and,
WHEREAS, Mr. Coats performs M152 work and technical support for the RMS Consortium, which funds the position for the Police Department; and,
WHEREAS, the RMS Consortium has agreed to fund Mr. Coats' position at a greater FTE level, because available Consortium funds are sufficient to do so.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the 0.75 FTE MIS2 position (#4317) in the permanent salary detail of the Police Department budget is deleted and recreated as a 0.80 FTE MIS2 position (#4317), and the incumbent is reallocated to the new position, thereof.