Fiscal Note
Breakdown of costs by Acct. Nos.:
Acc't. No. CS53-58280-810376-00-53B0766 $193,716.77
Acc't. No. CW53-58280-810376-00-53W0056 $24,591.12
Improvements accepted for University Avenue Sidewalk Assessment District - 2003, Contract No. 5396 (19th AD)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the street, and storm sewer improvements on University Avenue Sidewalk Assessment District - 2003 have been completed on 06/19/04 be and are hereby accepted.
Original Contract Sum $ 180,077.60
(Based on Actual Units) $ 181,322.58
Net Change by Change Orders $ 39,385.31 or 21.87%
Liquidated Damages $ 2,400.00
Final Contract Amount $ 218,307.89