Task Force on Municipal Golf in Madison Parks Update
The Common Council created the nine member Task Force on Municipal Golf in Madison Parks (“Task Force”) to consider all options for the parkland currently in use for municipal golf and to make recommendations to the Mayor, Common Council, Committees and Commissions on the future of the City’s Municipal Golf Courses. The Council directed the Task Force to solicit input from local stakeholders, examine best practices, and balance the allocation of resources among various parks uses. The Council also directed the Task Force to prioritize equity, public health, financial sustainability, and environmental sustainability in making recommendations on the future of Madison’s Municipal Golf Courses by May 1, 2020.[1]
The Task Force originally scheduled nine meetings over a seven month period beginning on October 23, 2019. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, the final three meetings scheduled for March and April were cancelled. Subsequently, the Common Council adopted a resolution[2] to extend the deadline for the Task Force until July 31, 2020. Beginning on May 18, 2020 the Task Force began meeting virtually, for a total of 11 meetings before the conclusion of its work. Many Task Force members toured the courses to better understand the capital needs of the facilities.
The Task Force reviewed the current operational model for the Golf Enterprise including course utilization, current operations, staffing, capital infrastructure, and financial performance of the courses. The Task Force received substantial feedback and input from the community through surveys, focus groups, town hall type meetings, and direct testimony (both written and verbal).
The Task Force voted at its final meeting on July 30, 2020 to approve this Final Report with a vote of five members in ...
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