Amending the Composition of the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has declared an interest in taking a leadership role in the promotion of sustainable energy by promoting both energy efficiency and renewable energy for the City of Madison facilities and the community; and
WHEREAS, a sustainable energy supply is critical to the well-being of our society; and
WHEREAS, energy efficient technology and renewable energy electricity sources are economically viable and available; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor's Energy Task Force has submitted a report, Building a Green Capital City, a Blueprint for Madison's Sustainable Design and Energy Future; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted a resolution calling for the Mayor to implement various recommendations from the report; and
WHEREAS, the creation of the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee is one of the recommendations in the report; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council created the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee in March of 2005; and
WHEREAS, the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee want to change the composition of the committee to have more flexibility in making appointments;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council adopted the new composition of the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee shall consist of 15 members and three alternate members confirmed by the Council and be composed of the following membership:
Two Alders;
One Member of the Board of Public Works;
One member from a utility company;
One member from the University of Wisconsin;
Four members who shall represent interests such as, green building, renewable energy, and sustainability;
Three members who shall represent the business community, including private developers;
Three members who shall be at-large members; and
Three alternate members.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal note required.