Fiscal Note
Local costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets.
Amending the Nelson Neighborhood Development Plan, an element of the City of Madison Master Plan, to revise the land use recommendation for the properties along the south frontage of High Crossing Boulevard. 17th Ald. Dist.
The Nelson Neighborhood Development Plan was initially adopted in March 1992. The plan recommended development of an office employment district on lands located adjacent to Interstate Highway 90-94-39, and a general retail and service district along the north side of High Crossing Boulevard which reflected the highway-oriented uses that were already established, including multiple automobile sales and service businesses. Along the south side of High Crossing Boulevard, the neighborhood development plan recommended a step-down to less highway-oriented commercial uses that would be more compatible with the adjacent proposed residential areas and would emphasize activities which supported other planned neighborhood components, such as goods and services valued by office users or neighborhood residents. Large-scale, region-serving retail development was not recommended. The recommendation that commercial uses along the south frontage of High Crossing Boulevard maintain a focus on smaller-scale businesses primarily serving local markets was restated by the Plan Commission during the review and approval of several subsequent amendments to the Nelson Neighborhood Development Plan.
In the years since the Nelson Neighborhood Development Plan was first adopted, there has been considerable new development within the neighborhood, including an office park along Crossroads and City View Drives adjacent to Interstate Highway 90-94-39, and several residential developments on the higher elevations north of the office park and southeast of High Crossing Boulevard. Development of the vacant propertie...
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