Fiscal Note
City costs associated with urban development in the CUSA expansion area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval. The City will pay a Capital Area Regional Planning Commission review fee of $6,000 - $8,000. The City will pay a Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District review fee of $1,425 for each annexation to their service area. The Madison Sewer Utility will pay these fees out of its operating budget and will recover the fees at the time the properties connect to municipal sewer under MGO Sec. 35.02(10). No additional City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City of Madison Planning Division to submit an application to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission to expand the Central Urban Service Area Boundary to include lands in the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan area.
The City of Madison Planning Division seeks approval to submit to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) an application to expand the boundary of the Central Urban Service Area (CUSA) in the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Plan area (YHNDP). The expansion would add 934 acres to the CUSA. The proposed expansion is necessary to accommodate new growth in this neighborhood. The expansion will allow the City of Madison to extend sanitary sewer service to these areas.
MGO Sec. 16.02 (Legistar #46730) outlines the process for City applications to CARPC to expand the CUSA. Prior to submitting an application to the CARPC the Planning Division prepares the application and submits it to Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Water Utility, Metro Transit, Parks Division, Madison Police Department and Madison Fire Department for input regarding the City’s ability to provide services to the proposed expansion area and the associated cost.
After receiving input from each of the agencies listed above, the Planning Division shall submit to the Plan Commission the proposed application, the input provided by the city agencies and a resolution authorizing the Planning Division to submit the application to CARPC.
Giving due consideration to the input received from the city agencies, the cost of providing services to the proposed expansion area, and recommendations of the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, and the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan; the Plan Commission shall advise the Common Council whether the City is able to provide municipal services to the proposed CUSA expansion area and whether expanding the proposed area is consistent with the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan and the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan.
Upon receiving a recommendation from the Plan Commission, the Common Council shall consider whether expanding the CUSA is consistent with the health, welfare and the best interests of the City and act on the proposed authorizing resolution. The Planning Division shall submit to CARPC the application to expand the CUSA if a majority of the members of the Common Council vote in favor of the proposed authorizing resolution.
WHEREAS, on January 17, 2017 the City of Madison adopted the YHNDP; and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned Neighborhood Development Plan includes a Development Staging Plan; and
WHEREAS, it is not intended that the start of development in any phase necessarily should be deferred until development within the preceding phase extends to a particular location, or reaches a certain percentage of full build-out; and
WHEREAS, development can only be served with sanitary sewer service if the lands are located within the CUSA; and
WHEREAS, this proposed application would be the first application since the adoption of the YHNDP; and
WHEREAS, expansion the CUSA would facilitate additional light industrial development to occur in the area along Femrite Drive consistent with the YHNDP and the City’s recent creation of an Industrial Tax Increment District; and
WHEREAS, the proposed landfill, Sustainable Business Park and associated development are contingent upon sanitary sewer service; and
WHEREAS, the proposed CUSA expansion is consistent with the recommendations of the Neighborhood Development Plan which recommends parks and open space, employment, and industrial within the expansion areas, and
WHEREAS, the proposed CUSA expansion is consistent with the recommendations of the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan which recommends employment, industrial, and parks and open space uses in the expansion area; and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission and Common Council have considered input from City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Water Utility, Metro Transit, Parks Division, Madison Police Department and Madison Fire Department to determine the City’s ability to provide municipal services and associated costs to the expansion area; and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission and Common Council find that the City agencies can generally provide services to the expansion area; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council finds the expansion to be consistent with the health, welfare and best interests of the City.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Division is hereby authorized by the Common Council to submit an application to CARPC to expand the CUSA in the YHNDP area.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby adopts the boundaries of any wetlands or environmental corridors within the proposed CUSA expansion area.