Madison, WI Header
File #: 87239    Version: 1 Name: Authorizing a Non-Competitive Selection Contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the Purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve Turner
Type: Resolution Status: Council New Business
File created: 2/17/2025 In control: COMMON COUNCIL
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Authorizing a Non-Competitive Selection Contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the Purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve Turner
Sponsors: Regina M. Vidaver, Amani Latimer Burris
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Memo - Non-Competitive Selection Contract.pdf, 2. Attachment 2 - Non-Competitive Selection Request - Envirotech Equipment.pdf, 3. Attachment 3 - Envirotech Equipment Co Quote.pdf

...Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a non-competitive selection contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve Turner at an estimated cost of $153,967. Funding for the purchase is available in the 2025 Adopted Water Utility Capital Budget (Munis #12339). No additional appropriation is required.


Authorizing a Non-Competitive Selection Contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the Purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve Turner


WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility (MWU) has standardized its valve exercising equipment over a number of years and now uses Wachs valve equipment solely in its fleet, allowing MWU staff to safely and efficiently operate water system valves; and


WHEREAS, MWU has a need to purchase and replace one of these four current valve exercising trucks in their fleet, that has successfully been in service for over fourteen years; and


WHEREAS, MWU has operated four of these pieces of equipment for many years and they have provided excellent service; and


WHEREAS, truck-mounted valve turner maintenance skids can also be used for support in the maintenance and repair of MWU’s distribution system by having the ability to clean and vacuum valve boxes, operate high volume ditch pumps, powering Wachs proprietary Guillotine pipe saws that are used to safely cut large-diameter pipe; and


WHEREAS, for the reasons explained above and in the attached Noncompetitive Selection Request Form, Envirotech Equipment Company is the only vendor that can provide the Wachs valve equipment for MWU; and


WHEREAS, Madison General Ordinance 4.26(2) requires goods to be purchased using a competitive process approved by the Finance Director, and under the Finance Director’s Purchasing Guidelines, Common Council approval is required to purchase goods of $75,000 or more without a competitive process.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes the purchase of goods as described above, including authorizing the Finance Director or designee to sign a contract for the goods in a format approved by the City Attorney.