Fiscal Note
Revenue and expenditures related to this project will be accounted for in a segregated fund (SO50). No City funding is required.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept donated funds in support of the Allied Computer and Education Project.
WHEREAS, the Bassett Foundation has donated $3,800 to the Madison Police Department for the purpose of improving police/community relations in the Allied Drive area by recognizing deserving youth, and assisting other service providers and community leaders; and,
WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the funds will be to purchase computers and computer-related equipment, software and supplies; and,
WHEREAS, this computer equipment may be awarded to deserving youth in the Allied Drive area; and,
WHEREAS, the computer equipment may also be utilized for other community revitalization and/or improvement projects or organizations in the Allied Drive area; and,
WHEREAS, the donated funds may also be used to purchase other education-related items such as books, school supplies, calculators, etc., that will be awarded to deserving youth in the Allied Drive area; and,
WHEREAS, the donated funds may also be used for other education or self-improvement activities such as athletic training/events, job training, etc., for Allied Drive area residents; and,
WHEREAS, Police Department staff will work in conjunction with other community members and service providers in the Allied Drive area to select who will receive these awards; and,
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that these gifts will reward deserving individuals in the Allied Drive area, and improve police/community relations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Chief of Police are authorized to accept ongoing donations to support the project.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Comptroller and the Police Department are authorized to establish and/or maintain accounts as required for the administration of this project.
SO50-55000-712000 $3800 Supplies
SO50-78540-712000 $3800 Private Donations