Fiscal Note
No budget implications.
Authorizing the City of Madison to sign the Green Tier Charter Renewal. (Citywide)
WHEREAS, Section 299.83 of the Wisconsin Statutes provides that voluntary methods can be used and improved to minimize and prevent stormwater runoff problems associated with land development and home building construction site activities. The City of Madison, the City of Sun Prairie, Veridian Homes, LLC, Dane County, NASECA and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have developed a Green Tier Charter to accomplish the following objectives:
1. To support and implement continual improvement techniques in the construction business and on-site construction practices, and the rules governing them, to more effectively reduce the release of sediments and nutrients to lakes, streams, and the wetlands of Wisconsin.
2. That continual improvement techniques going beyond compliance with the rules governing construction business and onsite construction practices will be supported and employed by the signatories. Such techniques may be used to reduced or minimized regulatory oversite in inspection using proven and verifiable management systems that result in measurable improvements.
3. The signatories of the Charter will make this process and site management improvement techniques available and transferable to the general industry to the extent practicable.
4. The signatories will implement changes, to the extent allowable by Statute, Administrative Code, and Ordinance, that allow for the use of these processes in site management improvement techniques by each of their jurisdictional departments and company departments in order to promote the implementation of these improvements. The signatories agree to use the provisions of Section 299.83 to rovide Tier I or Tier II Participants with mutually acceptable approaches that meet and/or exceed relevant performance standards. If unable to accommodate the agreed upon approaches, upon consensus, signatories to this Charter may seek changes to the Statute, Administrative Code, or Ordinances as appropriate to further the mission and objectives of the Charter.
5. The signatories agree, to the extent practicable, to develop and implement a process that allows a single point of contact for permitting, the application of uniform standards, and achievement of streamline regulatory approvals resulting in improved environmental performance.
6. Each signatory to the Charter will work together to coordinate and decrease the variability of regulatory governmental programs and authorization applicable to land development and home building construction sites.
1) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Green Tier/Clear Waters Initiative Environmental Results Program Charter Renewal.