Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the plan. However, implementing specific recommendations within the plan will have fiscal impacts in the future and will require Common Council approval at that time.
Adopting the Greenbush Neighborhood Plan and recommendations contained therein as a supplement to the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. 13th Ald. Dist.
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan adopted January 17, 2006 (Substitute Ordinance No. 02207) recommends the adoption of neighborhood plans for established residential neighborhoods within the City; and
WHEREAS Greenbush Neighborhood Plan provides additional and detailed recommendations regarding the future of the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS the Greenbush Neighborhood Association guided the preparation of the plan with input from neighborhood residents, business community and other interested stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, Schreiber/Anderson Associates, Inc. was retained by the neighborhood to develop this plan; and
WHEREAS, this effort was funded through $7,500 grant from the City's Neighborhood Planning Grant Program and $7,500 from private contributions; and
WHEREAS, the plan makes a series of recommendations concerning subjects such as: housing, land use, urban design, and pedestrian safety improvements, among others;
WHEREAS the Greenbush Neighborhood priority issues include: 1) Encouraging the improvement of housing stock and expanding homeownership in the neighborhood, 2) Improving building and zoning code compliance, and 3) Improving pedestrian and bicycle safety on Drake, Mills, Park, and Regent Streets as well as other heavily traveled routes; and
WHEREAS, the Regent Street - South Campus Neighborhood Plan provides further detail for design and land use standards for Regent Street;
WHEREAS the Plan recommendations have been reviewed by City Department/Agencies and approved by the appropriate City boards and commissions; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Greenbush Neighborhood Plan and the goals, recommendations and implementation steps contained therein is hereby adopted as a supplement to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any changes to the Comprehensive Plan's Generalized Future Land Use Plan Map recommended in the Greenbush Neighborhood Plan be considered for adoption during the next annual Comprehensive Plan evaluation and amendment process; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the appropriate City agencies consider including the recommendations of the Greenbush Neighborhood Plan in future work plans and budgets.