Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the acceptance of funds and amends the Public Health Madison Dane County (PHMDC) 2022 operating budget for a Wisconsin Department of Health Services "Mobilizing Community for a Just Response" grant. The $100,000 grant will fund a contract with the Give Back foundation to hire a Program Manager to support the pilot guaranteed income program. The grant is effective through May 2023. No City levy is required.
SUBSTITUTE - Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of Funds from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services to support the Madison Forward Fund and authorizing the Director for Public Health to sign a non-competitive contract with the Give Back Foundation for a Madison Forward Fund Program Manager and community outreach costs associated with the program.
WHEREAS, the Madison Forward Fund, in partnership with the UW-Madison Institute for Research on Poverty, is poised to pilot a guaranteed income project in the City of Madison. This project will serve to support a diverse, inclusive,; and competent public health workforce in hosting a health fellow at PHMDC as well as the implementation of the Madison Forward Fund; and
WHEREAS, a collaboration with Public Health Madison and Dane County and the Population Health fellowship program will add a public health lens and be key in leveraging partnerships established as part of PHMDC’s COVID-19 response; and
WHEREAS, funding ($100,000) from the Department of Health Services has selected Public Health-Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) as a recipient for funding through the Mobilizing Communities Grant will support a Population Health Fellow ($70,000), in the Policy Planning and Evaluation Division of Public Health Madison and Dane County. It will also support a Madison Community Fund program coordinator ($30,000) to be hired by the Institute on Poverty.for a Just Response Grant in the total of $100,000 to conduct project activities through May 2023; and
WHEREAS, PHMDC proposes entering into a contract with the Give Back Foundation for $100,000 for a term of April 2022 - May 2023 to support a Madison Forward Fund Program Manager and associated community outreach costs, such as graphic design and printed materials; and
WHEREAS, the Fellow willMadison Forward Fund Program Manager will - as a function of their position description - work with PHMDC staff and the Forward Fund team to leverage and enhance key community partnerships nurturedfostered by PHMDC during the ongoing response to COVID-19 in addition to supporting on-going efforts in the Policy Planning and Evaluation division.; and
WHEREAS, this Fellowthe Madison Forward Fund Program Manager will work to conduct analysisanalyses and give recommendations on how direct cash transfer programs can impact health equity and social determinants of health in Madison and Dane County. Involvement with this pilot will allow for expanded partnerships in exploring this innovative approach to affecting health equity. ; and
WHEREAS, the research tells a compelling story: living wages translate to better health and quality of life. Importantly, these benefits would most significantly affect women and people of color- a step toward gender and racial equity.; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Health Services has selected PHMDC as a recipient for funding through the Mobilizing Community for a Just Response Grant in the total of $100,000 to conduct project activities through May 2023.
WHEREAS, MGO 4.26 requires Common Council approval of service contracts of $50,000 or more if the contractor was not selected through a competitive selection process, and the reasons for selecting this contractor are set forth above and in the attached Noncompetitive Selection Request Form; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Public Health Madison and Dane County, or their designee, is authorized to accept and expend funding of $100,000 from thesign a grant agreement with State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services as part offor the Mobilizing Community for a Just Response initiativeGrant in the total of $100,000; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Public Health Madison and Dane County is authorized to amend the 2022 Operating Budget in the amount of $100,000; and and is authorized to accept and expend the funding to support the Madison Forward Fund; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Director of Public Health, or their designee, is authorized to create and sign an agreementauthorized to execute a service contract with the State of Wisconsin Department of Health ServicesGive Back Foundation for the programservices and amountscope outlined above.