Fiscal Note
The Resolution provides for the application and acceptance of an NEA grant of $100,000, with a required one-to-one match of non-Federal project monies. Funding for the acquisition and development of Central Park is included in the 2010 Capital Improvement Program. In 2010, $982,015 of General Obligation Debt is provided for design, survey, and soil work. A total of $5,422,003 is projected for 2011, consisting of $3,149,651 of Federal funding, $500,000 of Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) funding, $1,172,352 of General Obligation Debt, and $600,000 of Parks Development Fees. Funding of $500,000 is anticipated for 2012, consisting entirely of TIF funding. And finally, a total of $1,154,800 of TIF funding is projected for 2013. No additional appropriation is required to match the NEA grant.
Authorizing the Application and Acceptance of a National Endowment for the Arts Mayor's Institute of City Design 25th Anniversary Initiative Grant in the amount of $100,000 to Provide for the Creation of Schematic and Design Development Drawings for Eco-Artworks that will be Integrated Throughout Central Park.
WHEREAS the Common Council passed Resolution, I.D. 30476 on March 19, 2002, adopting the Public Art Framework and Field Guide for Madison, Wisconsin and recommendations contained in the framework; and
WHEREAS the Framework recommends that artists be members of capital project design teams led by private design firms and work as collaborators in capital project design to inform the overall project's intention and to participate in shaping its overall form; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Framework, the final design team that has been contracted to create Madison's new Central Park was required to include a public artist as part of their team and includes: MSA, Schreiber Anderson Associates; Ken Saiki Design; JJR, Inc.; and public artist Lorna Jordan; and
WHEREAS, as part of her contract with the City, the Artist will work with the Design Team to prepare an Art Approach & Research Report detailing future phases of the design process and show the Artist's collaboration with the Design Team on the overall site design of the Great Lawn (hereinafter "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Central Park Art Approach & Research Report will also outline specific environmental artworks that the Artist will design, which will be integrated into the Project's systems, connections, and places and will be conceived as an "art layer" that works cohesively with the overall site design; and
WHEREAS, the Environmental artworks for Central Park may include: green infrastructure, sustainable strategies/eco-artworks such as: a) Earth and Stormwater Sculptures, b) Plantings, c) Energy-Harnessing Artworks, d) LED Lightworks, Sculptural Gathering Places and Pathways; and
WHEREAS, after the National Endowment for the Arts announced the NEA Mayors' Institute on City Design 25th Anniversary Initiative the City of Madison submitted a statement of interest in March of 2010 and on April 8, 2010 the NEA invited our application which is due on May 10, 2010; and
WHEREAS, the values championed by the Mayor's Institute on City Design, are embraced by Mayor Dave Cieslewicz and many members of Madison's Common Council, including the understanding that: the arts and culture contribute greatly as core components in building livable and sustainable communities; that the art of place-making contributes to their communities' economic and cultural vitality; and that through design and involvement with the arts and cultural activities; citizens engage in a celebration of place and make their communities dynamic places to live and work; and
WHEREAS, during the Design Phase, for which the City will seek NEA funding, the Artist will not only collaborate with the Design Team on the overall site design of the Project, but will also create schematic and design development drawings for environmental artworks and will outline specifications for specialty items which will be integrated into the Project's systems, connections, and places and will be conceived as an "art layer" that works cohesively with the overall site design; and
WHEREAS, Central Park will serve as a regional and national example of healthy brown field re-purposing by integrating site specific environmental public art throughout.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Madison's Common Council authorizes the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development to apply for $100,000 in grant funds from the NEA Mayor's Institute of City Design 25th Anniversary Initiative.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the City of Madison will provide the required one-to-one Non-federal match for the grant from the City's General Operating capital contribution to Central Park.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if awarded the National Endowment for the Arts Mayor's Institute of City Design 25th Anniversary Initiative Grant the City of Madison is authorized to accept such grant and the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to execute a grant agreement with the NEA to fund the creation of schematic and design development drawings for eco-artworks that will be integrated throughout Central Park.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign any and all documents as they relate to this grant.