Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution increases funding for an Ad Hoc Committee reviewing the Madison Police Department Policy, Procedure, Culture, and Training practices. The 2016 Adopted Operating Budget included $50,000 to support the work of the committee. In their initial review the committee has determined the existing funding is insufficient to conduct a comprehensive review. The resolution authorizes transferring $350,000 from the Contingent Reserve to support consulting costs associated with the committee’s work. Upon transferring the funds, the total appropriation for the project will be $400,000. If approved, this transfer will reduce the balance of the 2016 Contingent Reserve to $514,837.
SUBSTITUTE Amending the work timeline and funding amount for the City of Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee and amending the 2016 Adopted Operating Budget to appropriate $200,000 $350,000 from the Contingent Reserve to the direct appropriation supporting the work of this committee.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison created the City of Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Committee (“Ad Hoc Committee”) (Resolution File #37863) to declare the City’s intention to review the Madison Police Department's policies, procedures, culture and training using the report, other resources and testimony; and,
WHEREAS, that Resolution provided a timeline requiring that the Ad Hoc Committee present its recommendations to the Common Council by July 2016; and,
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Committee held its first meeting in November 2015; and,
WHEREAS, due to the scope of the issues under consideration, the Ad Hoc Committee will not complete its work by July 2016; and,
WHEREAS, after further review, the funding amount of $50,000 was found inadequate to perform a comprehensive review of the Madison Police Department’s Policy, Procedures, Culture and Training; and,
WHEREAS, the review of hiring a consultant(s) to perform a comprehensive review of the Madison Police Department’s Policy, Procedures, Culture and Training, yielded amounts of $250,000-$400,000,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 2016 Adopted Operating Budget is amended to appropriate $200,000 $350,000 from the Contingent Reserve to the direct appropriation supporting the work of the Ad Hoc Committee; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council amends the work timeline for the Ad Hoc Committee for its recommendations as follows: Ad Hoc Committee will make final recommendations to the Mayor, the Common Council, the Police and Fire Commission, and the Madison Chief of Police by July of 2017, with interim recommendations when deemed necessary.