Fiscal Note
The 2013 Common Council Operating Budget request includes approximately $10,500 in salary (or $11,300 including benefits) for the Council President. The projected cost for 2013 is $47,600 (or $51,300 including benefits).
Repealing and recreating Section 3.50(1) of the Madison General Ordinances to set the salary of the President of the Common Council at half the salary of the Mayor.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance amendment sets the salary of the Common Council President, effective in April, 2013, at half (50%) of the salary of the Mayor. The salary will be adjusted annually to remain at 50% of the Mayor's salary.
This section of the ordinances states it is a charter ordinance. But it does not qualify as a charter ordinance since there is no state law that the City is opting out of following. In fact, the ordinance is in conformity with state law. By repealing and recreating this section, it will no longer be styled a charter ordinance.
There is already pending before the Council a related proposed amendment of this section, Legistar No. 27035, to change the method of calculating salary increases for the Mayor and Alderpersons. The Council should consider whether to take up these ordinances together or separately. Any change in the salaries for Alderpersons must be enacted prior to December 1, 2012, in order to be effective in 2013.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Subsection (1) of Section 3.50 entitled "Salaries of Mayor and Officials" of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows:
(1) Pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 62.09(6), and except as set forth in sub. (2) hereof, the salaries of City officers are hereby fixed at the rates hereafter indicated and shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which said officers are elected or appointed:
Annual Salary
Members of the Board of Public Works, excluding the Alder-
persons and City employees, (each) per year $100.00
Members of the Board of Review (each) per diem $ 20.00
(a) Alderpersons:
Effective the term that begins April 17, 2007, the Alderpersons' salaries, except for that of President and President Pro Tem of the Common Council, shall be $7,113. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive two-year term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined two annual percentage changes granted to the City's recognized bargaining units in the previous two years, rounded to the nearest whole percentage.
(b) Mayor:
Effective the term that begins April 17, 2007, the Mayor's salary shall be $115,138. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive four-year mayoral term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined four annual percentage changes calculated for managerial employees in the previous four years pursuant to Section 3.54(6)(c)4., rounded to the nearest whole percentage. The Mayor shall accrue vacation as provided in Section 3.32(7) of these ordinances. In addition to this salary, the benefit provided for in Section 3.54(29) of these ordinances shall be afforded to qualifying Mayors.
(c) President of the Common Council:
Effective the term that begins April 20, 2011, the President's salary shall be $10,351.56. Effective the term that begins April 16, 2013, that amount shall be adjusted once so that the salary of the Common Council President is fifty percent (50%) of the salary of the Mayor. Thereafter, that amount shall be adjusted annually so that it remains fifty percent (50%) of the salary of the Mayor, and shall be effective the second pay period in April of each year of the Aldermanic term.
(d) President Pro Tem of the Common Council:
Effective the term that begins April 17, 2007, the President Pro Tem's salary shall be $7,971. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive two-year term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined two annual percentage changes granted to the City's recognized bargaining units in the previous two years, rounded to the nearest whole percentage."
1. Section 3.50(1) currently reads as follows:
(1) Pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 62.09(6), and except as set forth in sub. (2) hereof, the salaries of City officers are hereby fixed at the rates hereafter indicated and shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which said officers are elected or appointed:
Annual Salary
Members of the Board of Public Works, excluding the Alder-
persons and City employees, (each) per year $100.00
Members of the Board of Review (each) per diem $ 20.00
Effective the term that begins April 17, 2007, the Alderpersons' salaries, except for that of President and President Pro Tem of the Common Council, shall be $7,113. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive two-year term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined two annual percentage changes granted to the City's recognized bargaining units in the previous two years, rounded to the nearest whole percentage.
Effective the term that begins April 17, 2007, the Mayor's salary shall be $115,138. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive four-year mayoral term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined four annual percentage changes calculated for managerial employees in the previous four years pursuant to Section 3.54(6)(c)4., rounded to the nearest whole percentage. The Mayor shall accrue vacation as provided in Section 3.32(7) of these ordinances. In addition to this salary, the benefit provided for in Section 3.54(29) of these ordinances shall be afforded to qualifying Mayors.
President of the Common Council:
Effective term that begins April 17, 2007, the President's salary shall be $9,473. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive two-year term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined two annual percentage changes granted to the City's recognized bargaining units in the previous two years, rounded to the nearest whole percentage.
President Pro Tem of the Common Council:
Effective the term that begins April 17, 2007, the President Pro Tem's salary shall be $7,971. Thereafter, at the beginning of each successive two-year term, that amount shall be adjusted once by a percentage equal to the combined two annual percentage changes granted to the City's recognized bargaining units in the previous two years, rounded to the nearest whole percentage.
Sec. 3.50(1) is a charter ordinance and shall be effective upon sixty (60) days from passage and publication subject, however, to the referendum procedures of Wis. Stat. § 66.0101(5)."