Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2017 Adopted Capital Budget within Engineering Major Streets by transferring $65,000 of GO Borrowing budget authority from the Mckee Road (CTH PD) project (MUNIS10245) to the Buckeye Road Improvements project (MUNIS 10228) to provide funding for design services in accordance with the amended contract on the Buckeye Road Improvement project.
The McKee Road Improvement project is anticipated to be completed in 2017 with sufficient unspent appropriation to allow for the $65,000 of GO Borrowing to be moved to the Buckeye Road Improvements project for the additional design costs.
Approving the roadway geometry for CTH AB - Buckeye Road from Monona Drive to Stoughton Road (15th AD), authorizing an Amendment to the contract with the design consultant, and Amending the 2017 Engineering Major Streets Capital Budget by transferring $65,000 of GO Borrowing from the McKee Road (CTH PD) Improvement project to the Buckeye Road project.
The City of Madison and Strand Associates Inc entered into an agreement for design engineering services (Original: RES-15-00127) for the reconstruction of CTH AB - Buckeye Road from Monona Drive to Stoughton Road.
The proposed project will include reconstruction of the existing roadway from Monona Drive to Stoughton Road. The proposed project includes pavement reconstruction, construction of curb and gutter, new retaining walls, existing sidewalk spot replacements/repairs on the north side of the road, new sidewalk on the south side of the road, Americans with Disabilities Act compliant curb ramps, on-street bicycle lanes, new storm sewer, new street lighting, replacement of sanitary sewer and water main, new pavement marking and new signs. The reconstruction project will accommodate existing drainage patterns by installing storm sewer system to control storm water.
To accommodate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations throughout the project corridor, maintain a grass terrace between the roadway and sidewalk and to avoid permanent right of way acquisition; it is proposed to eliminate parking along the south side of Buckeye Road except adjacent to the Frank Allis Elementary School where parking will be maintained on both sides of the roadway.
The project is planned for 2019 construction.
The City Engineer recommends that additional design services be undertaken by Strand Associates Inc. They are:
1. Additional Structure Design
a. Review alternatives and layout for potential retaining wall types for the project.
b. Prepare structure survey reports and preliminary and final structure plans for five structural modular block gravity walls.
2. Additional Roadway Design
a. Review parking options and revise preliminary design to relocate proposed parking lane from the north side of Buckeye Road to the south side of roadway between Davies Street and Shaffer Avenue based on public feedback.
b. Provide preliminary and final roadway design associated with the five structural retaining walls.
c. Provide preliminary and final design for roadway impacts associated with storm sewer modifications at the Monona Drive intersection.
d. Prepare alternative review and documentation, discuss with WisDOT and City, and prepare unique curb ramp details to address grades exceeding ADA standards because of the topography of Buckeye Road.
3. Additional Right-of-way Plat and Survey Information
a. Locate and survey additional property irons, establish existing right-of-way, and obtain additional topographic survey in the NE quadrant of the Buckeye Road and Lake Edge Boulevard because of the realignment of the sanitary sewer main replacement limits to avoid the existing decorative stone walls at the intersection. Revise the right-of-way plat to add a parcel to the plat at this location for permanent limited easement to accommodate the realignment of the sanitary sewer main.
4. Additional Environmental and Historical Documentation
a. Communicate with Commonwealth Heritage Group and prepare exhibits and documentation to support preparation of a Determination of No Adverse Effect for the Frank Allis Elementary School.
The proposed contract amendment is expected to cost $65,000. This additional work is not part of the existing budget of the Buckeye Road project, and, therefore, a budget amendment is needed. Budget authority is available in the County PD project to be transferred to the Buckeye Road project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the roadway geometry for CTH AB - Buckeye Road from Monona Drive to Stoughton Road project is hereby approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and Strand Associates Inc for additional design engineering services for Buckeye Road; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the 2017 Capital Budget of Major Streets is hereby amended to transfer $65,000 of GO Borrowing budget authority from the McKee Road (CTH PD) project (10245) to the Buckeye Road project (10228)