Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
AMENDED - Opposing construction of the ATC 345 KV transmission line on the Beltline and endorsing undergrounding of any portion of the line if it is built on the Beltline or otherwise within the City.
WHEREAS, the American Transmission Company (ATC) has proposed construction of a 345 KV transmission line in Dane County; and
WHEREAS, the ATC line is subject to the review and approval of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC); and
WHEREAS, the Common Council previously authorized the City Attorney to intervene in proceedings related to this line to advance the interests of the City of Madison in Resolution 06-00665, Legislative File # 03898; and
WHEREAS, one alternative route proposed by ATC would be along the Beltline in the City of Madison, a busy transportation route with little available right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has expressed "serious concerns" about use of the Beltline route due to safety and right-of-way issues and has stated that this route is "very undesirable," and
WHEREAS, the concerns of WisDOT are justified due to the serious public safety threats resulting from a Beltline route, including the likelihood of more and more serious traffic accidents, both during construction and following completion of the line, at which time large barriers will be required to protect the line from potential damage from automobile accidents; and
WHEREAS, the concerns of WisDOT are further justified by the likely inability to ever expand the Beltine to meet traffic safety concerns such as those posed at the Verona Road interchange and other locations, resulting in more pressure to build a super-beltline through southern Dane County; and
WHEREAS, there is evidence that placing such a line along the Beltline may have serious deleterious effects on economic development along the corridor; and
WHEREAS, a number of businesses and citizens along the Beltline route have studied and endorsed the concept of placing underground any transmission line, if the Beltline route is chosen; and
WHEREAS, it has been shown in other states that the undergrounding of high voltage transmission lines is feasible;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Madison opposes placement of the ATC 345 KV transmission line on the Beltline, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that if the PSC approves construction of any portion of the ATC 345 KV transmission line on the Beltline route, the Common Council urges the PSC to require ATC to place underground all of such portion of the transmission line, or any portion otherwise built within the City.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the PSC approves construction of any portion of the ATC 345 KV transmission line on the Beltline route, the Common Council urges the PSC to require ATC to place underground all of such portion of the transmission line, or any portion otherwise built within the City.