Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Amending Sec. 2.04 of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify the authority of the Council President to approve the Council Agenda.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Current ordinances do not specify who approves the Common Council agenda. This amendment establishes the authority of the Common Council President to approve the agenda, establishes a procedure for such approval, and clarifies other authority of the President regarding the agenda. The ordinance also reorganizes and renumbers Sec. 2.04, MGO.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Section 2.04 entitled "Order of Business" of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
(1) At all stated meetings, the following order shall be observed in disposing of business before the Council:
(1a) Opening remarks.
(2b) Suspension of rules.
(3c) Honoring resolutions.
(4d) Early Public Comment.
(5e) Petitions and communications.
(6f) Modification of prior Common Council proceedings (upon request of a Common Council member).
(7g) Presentation of consent agenda as special order at 6:45 p.m.
(8h) Public hearings as special order at 6:45 p.m.
(9i) Informational hearings as special order immediately following public hearings.
(10j) Business presented by the Mayor, including appointments and confirmations.
(11k) Business presented by the President of the Common Council.
(12l) Reports of officers, departments and divisions, committees, boards and commissions presented in continuous rotation, alphabetically, including re-referrals according to the provisions of 2.05(1).
(13m) Ordinances and resolutions referred to this meeting and not included in Item 12l.
(14n) Introduction of new ordinances and resolutions for referral without debate.
(15o) Presentation of accounts and other claims against the City of Madison.
(16p) Late items and addenda.
(17q) Announcements and introduction of items from the floor.
(18r) Any items for closed session.
(19s) Adjournment.
(2) No business shall be taken up out of said order, except by either unanimous consent and without debate or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
(3) The President of the Council with the consent of the CCPresident Pro Tem is authorizedmay to defer consideration of any item on the agenda for one meeting only and shall notify the item's sponsor(s) in writing of his/her intention to defer the item, provided that:
(a) the deferral is for one meeting only other than by consent of all sponsors,
(b) the item is not under Business Presented by the Mayor, and
(c) the President notifies the item's sponsors in writing of his/her intention to defer the item.
(4) Before each regularly scheduled meeting of the Common Council, the City Clerk shall, by 2:00 p.m. on the third business day before the meeting, prepare a draft meeting agenda for review by the Common Council President. The Council President shall approve the agenda by the close of business that same day. In the absence or unavailability of the Council President, the order of approval shall be the Council President Pro Tem, the Council Administrative Assistant, and the City Clerk."