Fiscal Note
Funds for this project are available in Acct. Nos:
CS53-58240-810375-00-53W1547 (Path Construction): $ 482,500
CS53-58270-810375-00-53W1547 (Storm Sewer): $ 30,000
CS53-58255-810375-00-53W1547 (Bridge Construction): $ 118,000
CS53-58545-810375-00-53W1547 (Path Lighting): $ 57,000
ES01-58275-810332-00-53W1547 (Sanitary Sewer): $ 76,000
EW01-58273-810455-00-53W1547 (Water Main): $ 284,000
Sub-Total $1,047,500
CS53-58130-810375-00-53W1547 (Easement Acquisition): $ 17,500
(By separate Resolution ID 32633)
Project Total $1,065,000
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Cannonball Path Phase 5.
The Cannonball Path Phase 5 is a critical component of the overall multi-phase Cannonball Path project, providing a safe and direct route from neighborhoods south of the Beltline to central downtown area and other destinations.
The path will occupy lands currently owned by the City of Madison, permanent easement on UW Arboretum property (to be acquired by separate agreement with UW Board of Regents) and easements to be acquired by the City of Madison under a separate Relocation Order introduced to Common Council on 1/07/14 under ID 32633.
Agreement(s) with UW Board of Regents will include both permanent and temporary construction easements granted to the City at nominal cost in recognition of the project's benefits to the UW Arboretum and will also include amendment of an existing access agreement which allows UW access over City property for maintenance of Pond 3 on Arboretum property.
1) That the plans and specifications for Cannonball Path Phase 5, be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for said project.
3) That the Office of Real Estate Services Division of the Community and Economic Development Unit and the City Attorney are hereby authorized to proceed by negotiation to acquire the real estate interests required from the UW Board of Regents, and the Real Estate Section is further authorized to obtain title reports, appraisals, survey information, environmental site assessment reports, and any other essential material or reports as may be necessary to perform due diligence in accomplishing the acquisition.
4) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign all necessary documents, maintenance agreements, encroachment agreements or amendments to existing access agreements, and accept dedication of lands and/or easements from University of Wisconsin Board of Regents for public improvements located outside of existing public fee title or easement rights-of-way