Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes Metro Transit to enter into the advertising services agreements with Circle Graphics, Inc. and Madison Graphics Company at an estimated cost of $275,000. Funding for the advertising agreements is sufficiently budgeted within Metro's adopted 2017 operating budget.
While the estimated annual cost of advertising production and installation services to Metro is $275,000, the actual total costs may vary depending on number and type of ads produced. These costs for the design, production, installation and removal service are passed through from Metro to advertisers. Advertisers pay Metro an advertising rate for ads which generates a net revenue for Metro Transit above the contracted expense for this contract. Total estimated revenue for the in-house transit advertising program in 2017 is $600,000. Estimated revenue for 2018 is $650,000. Advertising prices charged to advertisers will depend on the service rendered and will follow prices in the bid documents that will be included in the contracts.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into agreements with Circle Graphics, Inc. and Madison Graphics Company for transit advertising design, production, installation and removal services. These contracts are for a period of two (2) years with three one (1) year options by mutual agreement of the parties.
Metro Transit has an in-house advertising program and as part of that program needs to contract for transit advertising design, production, installation and removal services related to this program. A Request for Proposals was advertised. Seven proposals were received and two bidders were deemed the most responsive and responsible bidders for this project.
WHEREAS, Metro Transit issued a Request for Proposals and found two responsive and responsible proposers to provide the necessary advertising design, production, installation and removal services to help carry out the in-house advertising program;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to enter into two (2) year Agreements with Circle Graphics, Inc. and Madison Graphics Company with three one (1) year options for renewal by mutual agreement of the Parties for an initial term of August 1, 2017 through July 31, 2019.