Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves the operating budget cost plan for the Reindahl Imagination Center. Amendment #3 adopted by the Finance Committee for the 2022 Capital Budget requires that expenditure of the 2022 Reindahl Imagination Center project budget is contingent on the submission of an operating cost plan and Council approval of that plan.
At the time of the capital budget requests, the operating costs for the Imagination Center were estimated at $1.4 million, based on 26 FTEs for a library similar to the Ashman branch with personnel costs estimated at $1,100,000 and non-personnel costs estimated at $312,000.
Since the adoption of the 2022 budget, Library staff, in conjunction with Parks and Information Technology, have developed a detailed plan of operating costs for the Imagination Center. Engineering has been involved with the design and construction estimates.
Updated assumptions in this plan include:
• A library similar in size to the Goodman South Madison Library with approximately 12,000 square feet and an additional 4,000 square feet for a Parks Shelter.
• Design and construction of the facility will cost $16.1 million which is included in the 2022 capital CIP; with $1.1 million GO Borrowing in 2022, and $10.5 million GO Borrowing and $4.5 million private contributions in 2023.
• The Library will operate from 10 am to 8 pm, Monday - Friday and 9 am to 5 pm on Saturday.
• Revenue, expenses, and staffing are outlined on the attachment to this resolution. Library staff have developed detailed and documented estimates for the amounts.
• The updated staffing model includes 13 FTEs, including a Program Coordinator shared by Library and Parks and an IT Specialist shared by Library and Information Technology. The plan also includes nine hourly Library Pages and four hourly Security Monitors.
• All amounts are based on 2022 dollars and will likely increase by the time the facility is operational.
The revised operating costs are estimated at $1.725 million annually. The facility is anticipated to open to the public in 2024. These costs will need to be funded by the levy and will be subject to approval by the Common Council in future operating budgets. Approval of this resolution will allow expenditures of the 2022 adopted capital budget for the Reindahl Imagination Center project but does not obligate future capital or operating funding.
SUBSTITUTE By Title Only Approval for Imagination Center at Reindahl Park Operating Plan (as outlined in 2022 Capital Budget Amendment #3).
WHEREAS: 2022 Capital Budget Amendment #3 required the submission of an operating cost plan for the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park and approval by Council prior to moving into the next phase of building design and development;
WHEREAS: Library, Parks, and IT staff have developed a plan based on projected staffing, supply, and service costs for the Imagination Center’s operations;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The Common Council accepts and approves the operating cost plan subject to the availability of funding in future operating budgets and permits the next phase of building design and development to begin.