Fiscal Note
This five-year grant provides funding to pay a portion of the salaries of 18 additional firefighters to be hired in October 2009. The grant provides $39,015 per firefighter in the first full year and declines to $0 in the fifth year, for a total of $1.95 million ($108,380 per position) over the five-year grant period. The net cost to the City for these 18 new positions is estimated at about $6 million over that five-year period (see attached schedule). The 2009 Adopted Budget includes funding for a class of 10 beginning in October. This resolution authorizes a class of 20, 18 of which will be partially offset by grant revenues. The net expense to the Fire Department's 2009 Budget is estimated at $38,000 as shown below. Funds for this net expense will be appropriated from the Contingent Reserve, which has a current balance of $1,195,000. There is no impact on the tax levy or State Expenditure Restraint Program eligibility.
$382,900 Total Cost for 20 Firefighters
(125,200) Salaries and Fringe Benefits in 2009 Adopted Budget
( 73,400) Recruit Class Expenses in 2009 Adopted Budget
(146,300) Grant Revenue for 18 Firefighters
$ 38,000 Net Expense (from Contingent Reserve)
SUBSTITUTE - Amending the 2009 Operating Budget and accepting a SAFER Grant (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) if awarded from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for 18 firefighter positions and appropriating $38,000 from the Contingent Reserve.
A SAFER application is pending for eighteen firefighter positions. The SAFER grant is to enhance staffing to increase response capabilities and assist in reducing response times. The goal of SAFER is to help local fire departments to comply with staffing, response and operational standards as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.(OSHA).
The Fire Department has recently been contacted by FEMA regarding the grant application. FEMA needs prior approval by the City for acceptance of the grant if awarded. The grant performance period would require the Fire Department to start the eighteen recruit firefighters in the Fire Academy scheduled to start on October 19, 2009.
The 2009 operating budget includes funding for an October 19, 2009 class of ten firefighters to cover retirements and current vacant positions. This class would be increased to twenty firefighters. Any remaining replacement positions would require the Department to conduct a spring of 2010 firefighter recruit class to fill remaining vacant positions.
The grant covers a five year period with the following funding:
Year One: $ 39,015 per position
Year Two: $ 34,675 per position
Year Three: $ 21,670 per position
Year Four: $ 13,020 per position
Year Five: No federal share-all costs funded by the City
The 2009 Operating Budget Amendment upon acceptance of grant is:
Permanent Salaries (51110) $ 88,490
Benefits (52000) 36,716
Uniforms (55710) 14,250
Medical Services (54671) 20,140
Subscriptions/Books (55120) 3,750
Work Supplies (55510) 6,000
Memberships (54967) 2,500
In-service Training (54641) 12,100
Food/Beverages (55540) 360
NET EXPENSE $ 38,000
Less Contingent Reserve
Appropriation ( 38,000)
Net Levy Impact 0
WHEREAS, the City wishes to increase emergency response capabilities and reduce response time for Fire Department services.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City accept the SAFER Grant upon award resulting in a class of twenty in the October 19, 2009 Fire Academy and a Spring, 2010 Fire Academy to fill the remaining vacant positions.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2009 Operating Budget be amended upon award by $184,313 expenses and offset by revenue of $146,306 and an appropriation from the Contingent Reserve of $38,000.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, the budget be amended to add eighteen positions of firefighter.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Clerk and other designated officials are authorized to sign any necessary documents.