Fiscal Note
No Appropriation Required
Amending Sections 12.1335(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to expand the boundaries of the “Snow Emergency Zone.”
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This amendment expands the area that the City defines as the “Snow Emergency Zone.” This will exempt additional streets from alternate-side parking restrictions unless a Snow Emergency is declared.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subsection (2) entitled “Snow Emergency Zone” of Section 12.1335 entitled “Alternate-Side Parking and Snow Emergency Parking” is amended to read as follows:
“(2) "Snow Emergency Zone." Alternate-side parking as defined in Subsection (1) shall not apply to the an area defined as a Snow Emergency Zone unless a snow emergency has been declared under this section. Snow Emergency Zone is defined as the area within the city bounded by Lake Mendota, the Yahara River, Lake Monona, the northern border of Brittingham Park until the intersection of Park Street, West Washington Avenue, and Vilas Avenue, and the portion of Park Street continuing north from said intersection to Lake Mendota The Snow Emergency Zones are described below and represented in a map available at <>
(a) The area bounded by the intersection of South Park Street, West Washington Avenue, and Vilas Avenue continuing north to Lake Mendota, to the Yahara River, to Lake Monona, to the northern border of Brittingham Park continuing to the intersection of South Park Street, West Washington Avenue, and Vilas Avenue. No boundary streets in this subsection are included as part of the Snow Emergency Zone.
(b) The area bounded by the intersection of South Park Street and Regent Street, to Monroe Street, to Edgewood Avenue, to Vilas Park Drive, to South Mills Street, to Delaplaine Court, to South Park Street, continuing to the intersection of South Park Street and Regent Street. Boundary streets in this subsection are not included as part of the Snow Emergency Zone except Edgewood Avenue, Vilas Park Drive, and Delaplaine Court.”