Madison, WI Header
File #: 67713    Version: 1 Name: Supporting the application by the Greater Madison Music City team to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for a Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant.
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 10/5/2021 In control: Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development
On agenda: 10/19/2021 Final action: 10/19/2021
Enactment date: 10/25/2021 Enactment #: RES-21-00723
Title: Supporting the application by the Greater Madison Music City team to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for a Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant.
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Sheri Carter, Syed Abbas, Lindsay Lemmer
Related files: 84168

Fiscal Note

The proposed resolution authorizes the City of Madison supporting an application to the EDA for Build Back Better grant. The Phase 1 grant amount is $500,000. No additional City appropriation is required to apply for the proposed grant. A separate resolution amending the Planning Division’s operating budget will be proposed if the grant is awarded to the City of Madison.


Supporting the application by the Greater Madison Music City team to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for a Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant.


WHEREAS, the City of Madison's Task Force for Equity in Music and Entertainment (TFEME) met from February 1, 2017, to September 18, 2017, and produced 32 recommendations designed to strengthen Madison's music sector; and


WHEREAS, the Greater Madison Music City (GMMC) team was created as a result of the Task Force on Equity in Music and Entertainment Report, accepted by the Common Council on February 26, 2019, under the resolution RES-19-00159, and file #53956; and


WHEREAS, the City of Madison Arts Program is an active member of the Greater Madison Music City team led by the Urban Community Arts Network, LTD (UCAN); and


WHEREAS, the Greater Madison Music City team identified the Economic Development Administration's (EDA) Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant as a potential grant source to fully fund a Limited Term Employee (LTE) that could help advance the recommendations of the TFEME, and the goals of the City's arts program; and


WHEREAS, the EDA’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge is designed to assist communities in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks; and


WHEREAS, the EDA’s $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge will provide a transformational investment to 20-30 regions across the country that want to grow new regional industry clusters or scale existing ones through planning, infrastructure, innovation and entrepreneurship, workforce development, and access to capital;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council supports the application by the Greater Madison Music City Team to the Economic Development Agency (EDA) for the Build Back Better Regional Challenge Grant to be used to support the greater Madison area's music ecology, and includes a request for funding for the City to hire an LTE position devoted towards supporting the music sector.


BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that that the Madison Common Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract to receive and use these funds, should they be awarded, and to sign all documents related to receiving the grant.