Request from Engineering for the construction of a bikepath on the Northeast Park to connect Tancho Drive to the Underpass 151
The City of Madison is planning a 2025 bike path project on the Northeast Park (Tancho Dr to Underpass 151). The construction consists of a 10’ bike path along the ROW of the park to leave space for future developments and would help connecting the City of Madison to the City of Sun Prairie. For stormwater management ditch would be constructed on sections of the path to maintain existing drainage and storm sewer pipes would be added under the path on the location of the low points directing them to the infiltration basins. Path lighting is going to be added with the project and are located on the north side of the path and on the south side near the Barington IV to minimized backlight. Improvements on the crossing at Tancho Drive. The City is going to help improve the grades along the path to help Parks with the maintenance.
Engineering staff have met with Parks Division Staff to discuss and mitigate impacts of the bike path on the park and existing uses. Adjustments and considerations for the design are as follows:
• Due to steep existing grades, Parks has agreed to reconfigure a portion of the cyclocross route through the wooded area in order to leave room for grading the Tancho Path.
• Engineering will limit tree impacts as much as possible while maintaining an ADA-paved path route and leaving maintainable slopes for Park’s to mow. Minimal tree removals are anticipated of invasive species (mainly boxelder) and they will be coordinated with Park’s staff.
• Engineering will include a low-mow, native prairie restoration on the restored slopes and will coordinate with Park’s staff on the restoration details.
• Engineering will re-grade a ditch on the high-side of the future Tancho Path and will install drainage pipes at low points to maintain existing drainage patterns to the southerly detention basins on the adjacent development site.
City of Madison Engineering is seeking approval from the Board of Park Commissioners on the design and of the bike path within Northeast Park.