Fiscal Note
The resolution authorizes the City to enter into a contract with Moss Adams LLP to provide professional services related to the procurement and implementation of a Human Resources Management System. The total cost of the contract is not to exceed $365,000 over three years. Funding will be available in HR’s 2023 budget, contingent on adoption of the year-end appropriation resolution (File 80860). Approval of the transfers in the year-end resolution will allow HR to encumber funds for the contract in 2023 and begin services immediately.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a 3-year, competitively selected service contract with Moss Adams LLP to provide advisory and software implementation services related to the procurement and implementation of a Human Resources Management System.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Human Resources and Information Technology Departments require consulting services in order to pursue implementing a Human Resource Management System as a multi year initiative; and
WHEREAS, the Human Resources and Information Technology Departments worked with the Purchasing Division to issue RFP #12022-0-2023-BP to solicit proposals for such services, and received 5 proposals; and
WHEREAS, an evaluation team consisting of Purchasing and relevant Department staff conducted a detailed evaluation, scored and ranked each of the proposals using criteria including cost, skill, past performance, and references; interviewed finalists and Moss Adams, LLC was selected through this process; and
WHEREAS, to complete the consulting work, a three-year contract is required, and Moss Adams proposed a contract price not to exceed $365,000 to provide advisory and software implementation services related to the procurement and implementation of a Human Resources Management System and accomplish all of the other deliverables required by RFP #12022-0-2023-BP ; and
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(3)(e), service contracts of more than one year that average more than $100,000 per year in cost require Common Council approval and signature by the Mayor and City Clerk;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign a contract with Moss Adams, LLC for the purposes and at the price described above, for a term of three (3) years.