Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to the contract between the City and Bayview Foundation, Inc. for the receipt of a Dane County Water Quality Grant Program grant. The amendment extends the expiration date to June 30, 2025. The funding is available in the Community Development Division's (CDD) other grants fund accounts due to an amendment to the 2021 Adopted Operating Budget (Leg file 65272, RES-21-00372). No additional City appropriation required.
Amending the contract between the City of Madison and Bayview Foundation, Inc. governing the receipt of a grant for $394,018 from the Dane County Urban Water Quality Grant Program; authorizing the City of Madison to amend its agreement with Bayview Foundation, Inc. by extending its expiration date to June 30, 2025; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with Bayview Foundation, Inc. as appropriate. (District 13)
Bayview Foundation, Inc. is an affordable housing community with the mission to support its culturally diverse, low-income residents in realizing their aspirations by providing quality housing, fostering cultural pride, and building community through the arts, education and recreation. A 2016 capital needs assessment of its “Triangle Neighborhood” properties revealed significant infrastructure deficiencies, most of which would require replacement. Those upgrades are currently underway. Additionally, the neighborhood is affected by its proximity to area lakes and has been vulnerable to flooding.
Starting in 2018, Bayview staff initiated a comprehensive redevelopment planning and engagement process, which included an evaluation of its needs with regard to a development partner and project financing. In keeping with residents' hopes and wishes, Bayview designed a redevelopment plan that maximizes green space, limits the heights of the new buildings, and places much of the parking underground. The new site includes expanded resident gardens and spaces to grow food, as well as new open green space in the middle of the site for children and adults to gather and play.
Through its Community Development Division (CDD), the City of Madison committed Affordable Housing Funds and federal HOME funds to support the Bayview Rental Housing Development (RES-18-00815, Legistar #53633) and, on Bayview’s behalf, secured grant funding through Dane County’s Urban Water Quality Grant (UWQG) Program to support the development’s sustainability goals (RES-21-00372, Legistar #65272). The UWQG Program offers cost-sharing funds to municipalities to improve the quality of urban stormwater runoff, increase public awareness of urban water quality issues and provide public education about urban stormwater quality improvement practices.
Due to project delays, CDD has received approval from Dane County to extend its UWQG contract end date by six months to June 30, 2025. The City seeks to amend its agreement with Bayview Foundation, Inc. commensurately, to reflect that extension.
WHEREAS, the Bayview Foundation has undertaken a substantial redevelopment effort focused on the “Triangle” neighborhood, which includes an affordable housing component to which the City of Madison has committed financial support; and,
WHEREAS, the redevelopment includes a variety of strategies and features that qualify for funding through Dane County’s Urban Water Quality Grant (UWQG) program, including permeable pavers, community gardens water collection and irrigation, amending soil and adding native plantings, green roof, interpretive/educational signage and stormwater and water conservation artwork; and,
WHEREAS, Dane County's UWQG Program requires a municipality to be the primary applicant for grant funds awarded through the program; and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council authorized the City of Madison to submit an application on behalf of Bayview Foundation, Inc. to the Dane County UWQG program, and to accept the resulting award and execute corresponding agreements with Dane County and Bayview Foundation, Inc. (RES-21-00372, Legistar #65272); and,
WHEREAS, Bayview Foundation, Inc. entered into an agreement with the City of Madison, the contract term of which ends on December 31, 2024; and,
WHEREAS, Dane County has authorized a six-month extension of its contract with the City to June 30, 2025; and,
WHEREAS, the City is prepared to extend its agreement with Bayview Foundation, Inc. commensurately, to June 30, 2025.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amended contract agreement with Bayview Foundation, Inc., as described herein.