Fiscal Note
The contract extension will allow Metro Transit to ensure its Long-Term Assignment customers are served while transitioning trips from this single contract provider to Metro's regular paratransit service program utilizing multiple contractors. Funds for this contract service are provided for within the operating budget of Metro Transit. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Metro General Transit Manager to extend the agreement with Badger Bus Lines, Inc. for provision of ADA paratransit services to Metro Transit in a Long-Term Assignment Program through August 31, 2014 (60 days) by executing an additional two (2) month option for services.
Metro Transit, a division of the City of Madison, is required under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide complementary paratransit services to its fixed route transit operation. The high cost of providing the service prompted development of this Long-Term Assignment Program to encourage a greater number of proposals, and consequently more competitive pricing for the portion of the service where customers have recurring trip patterns - representing approximately 3% of ADA eligible customers and an estimated 16% of paratransit trips.
WHEREAS the concept and elements of the Long-Term Assignment Program were reviewed and approved by the ADA Transit Subcommittee to the Transit & Parking Commission (ADA TS); and,
WHEREAS the City of Madison entered into an agreement pursuant to Resolution (Legistar File Number 17756) for Long-Term Assignment Program services, and
WHEREAS the prior Resolution authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Agreement through June 30, 2013, and authorized the Metro Transit General Manager to execute an additional two (2) options for 6 months each;
WHEREASS the Metro Transit General Manager has executed both options authorized by the Resolution, and that the agreement terminates on June 30, 2014, and
WHEREAS the City wishes to extend the agreement for 60 days to ensure a smooth transition of trip information and schedule availability, and
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Metro Transit General Manager is authorized to extend the agreement with Badger Bus Lines, Inc. for the provision of paratransit services to Metro Transit in the Long-Term Assignment Program through August 31, 2014 under the same terms and conditions in effect by executing an additional two (2) month option.