Fiscal Note
This resolution amends the Public Health 2015 operating budget to reflect the acceptance of federally administered grant to support the Nurse Family Partnership Program. For the remainder of 2015 the anticipated grant amount is $28,205.50 in 2015, the budget will be amended accordingly. The 2016 anticipated amount is $84,616.50, the 2016 budget will be amended to reflect this change. The resolution has no impact on the levy.
Authorizing Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) to accept a grant and sign an agreement with Adams County for the federally administered Maternal, Infant, and Early Child Home Visiting (MIECHV) program to support the PHMDC Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) Program.
Preamble: PHMDC has been providing services through the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program since 2012. NFP is an evidenced-based home visitation program that focuses on vulnerable mothers pregnant with their first child. Each mother is partnered with a nurse early in the pregnancy and receives ongoing home nurse visits until the child’s second birthday. It is in a first pregnancy that there is the best chance to promote and teach positive health and development behaviors between a mother and her baby.
The NFP program is a complement to the other PHMDC administered maternal and child home visiting program, Perinatal Care Coordination (PNCC) services because it offers clients and nurses the opportunity to work on long-term goals beyond the pregnancy-developing parenting skills, having healthy relationships, and planning their family and work lives.
MIECHV funding has been administered by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCFS) since 2012 and has supported five different evidence-based home visiting programs throughout Wisconsin, including Nurse Family Partnership. Until this year, Dane County has not been eligible to receive MIECHV funding. Starting with the October 2015-September 2016 funding cycle, the criteria determining eligibility for MIECHV changed, making Public Health Madison & Dane County eligible for the first time. A caveat to this change in criteria however, was that funding for additional MIECHV support could only be administered by an organization with whom DCFS currently has a MIECHV contract.
Since PHMDC started NFP in 2012 we have supported development of NFP programs in other health departments (Sauk, Juneau and Adams Counties) in the Southern Region. Adams County has received MIECHV funding to support NFP since 2013 and as a result is able to offer expansion of these home visiting funds to partner NFP agencies, i.e., PHMDC, Sauk and Juneau Counties. In late spring and summer of 2015, PHMDC staff wrote a grant with representatives from the partner counties for MIECHV expansion for PHMDC, Sauk, Adams and Juneau County NFP programs. This proposal has been accepted for additional funding. It is anticipated that PHMDC will be eligible for continued MIECHV funding independent of a contract with Adams County in future years.
WHEREAS Public Health-Madison and Dane County is a local health department statutorily required to monitor access to medical and dental services; and
WHEREAS Public Health has determined that the Nurse Family Partnership Program is an evidence based, nurse delivered home visiting program supporting healthy pregnancies, healthy births, and life outcomes,
WHEREAS Public Health staff has determined that building additional capacity as supported by the MIECHV funding will promote enrollment in appropriate nurse home visiting programs and providing access to mental health consult has the potential to improve enrollment in and successful participation in the NFP program,
WHEREAS this grant was not anticipated in the 2015 or 2016 PHMDC operating budget so a budget amendment is required to authorize and the receipt and expenditure of these funds,
WHEREAS the City of Madison is the fiscal agent for Public Health Madison & Dane County and under the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement creating that department, must seek authorization from the Common Council prior to receiving any new grant funding over the amount of $50,000;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County on behalf of Public Health-Madison and Dane County is authorized to accept a grant of ($112,822) for October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016 from Adams County who is administering the MIECHV program for the multi-county region of Adams, Sauk, Juneau and Dane Counties
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Director of Public Health-Madison and Dane County is authorized to sign the agreement.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the 2015 and 2016 PHMDC operating budgets will be amended according to the receipt of this grant.