Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (introduction 1-22-2013; action 2-5-2013).
I hereby submit, for your consideration and approval, the following citizen committee appointments. Committee applications for mayoral appointments are attached. Statement of Interest forms are on file for these appointees where applicable.
*2/3 vote required for confirmation of non-city residents.
Pursuant to Sec. 3.30(2) of the Madison General Ordinances, "...provision shall not apply to a member of or candidate for appointment to a City of Madison board, committee or commission where, in the judgement of the mayor and two-thirds (2/3) of the Common Council, the best interests of the city will be served by the appointment of a non-resident member who is particularly well qualified by reasons of education, background, and experience with Madison business concerns or other Madison-based employers and the Mayor specifies fully to the Common Council the reasons why he or she is recommending such appointment."
WILLIAM PETRI, 74621 Gregg Rd., 53705 (11th A.D.) - appoint to the remainder of a three-year term to the position of Member with Fire Prevention Experience. Mr. Petri is with the Fire & Life Safety Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He succeeds Russell G. Stern.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-30-2014
RANDALL V. BALDWIN, 1328 Drake St., 53715 (13th A.D.) - appoint to the remainder of a three-year term to the position of Adult City Resident. Mr. Baldwin is the former director of the Safety & Building Division at the Department of Commerce. He succeeds Michael R. Flowers.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-30-2014
Madison Metropolitan School District appointment:
STEVE HARTLEY, 6201 Piping Rock Rd., 53711 (20th A.D.) - appointed to the position of Madison Metropolitan School Superintendent or Representative. Mr. Hartley is the Chief of Staff for MMSD. He succeeds Erik Kass.
KIA KARLEN, 94 S. Fair Oaks Ave., 53714 (15th A.D.) - appoint to the remainder of a three-year term to the position of Citizen Member. Ms. Karlen is the Director of Education for the Madison Children's Museum and a freelance musician. She succeeds Celia A. Klehr.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-30-2015
Currently serving on: Overture Community Advisory Board
RICHARD B. ARNESEN, 1002 Winding Way, 53562 (9th A.D.) - appoint to the remainder of a two-year term to the position of Citizen Appointee. Mr. Arnesen is a real estate developer with Stone House Development, Inc. He succeeds Thomas P. Solheim who served 10+ years.
TERM EXPIRES: 6-4-2014
Note: Per the Business Improvement District [BID] Operating Plan as approved by the Common Council, "Wisconsin Statutes section 66.1109(3 (a) requires that the Board be composed of at least five members and that a majority of the Board members shall either own or occupy real property in the District. If the actual property or business owner is an entity, that entity shall designate a representative to act on its behalf."
The BID Board recommended the appointment/reappointment of the following nominees at its December 6, 2012 meeting.
* JEANETTE E. RIECHERS, 142 Kensington Drive, Maple Bluff, 53704 - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of State Street Area - Business Owner. First appointed 5-15-2007.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
Rationale: Ms. Riechers is a respected State Street area business owner (Madison Sole, 414 State Street) who will continue to contribute greatly to the BID. She also serves on the Board of the Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau. Her reappointment is supported by the members of the BID Board.
PAUL R. NORMAN, 125 N. Hamilton Street # 606, 53703 (4th A.D.) - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of Capitol Square Area - Business Owner (Boardman & Clarke, LLP). First appointed 3-27-2007.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
* MARINUS (RICK) J.W. PETRI, 5014 Mirandy Rose Court, Middleton, WI, 53562 - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of DMI Representative. First appointed 9-16-2003.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
Rationale: Mr. Petri is the designee of Downtown Madison, Inc. He formerly served as assistant City Attorney for the City of Madison and has worked in downtown Madison throughout his career.
MATT MIKOLAJEWSKI, 215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, 53703 (business address) - reappoint to a three year term to the position of City of Madison Representative. Mr. Mikolajewski is the Director of the Office of Business Resources for the City of Madison. First appointed 7-3-2007.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
TRACI A. MILLER, 423 N. Baldwin Street, 53703 (2nd A.D.) - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of At-Large Central Downtown Representative. Ms. Miller is co-proprietor of L'Etoile Restaurant and Graze. First appointed 1-16-2007.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
KELSEY J. ROETS, 930 High St., 53715 (13th A.D.) - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of UW Student ASM Representative (the ASM designee to the BID Board). First appointed 6-19-2012.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
RICHARD R. KILMER, 621 Emerson St., 53715 (13th A.D.) - appoint to a three-year term to the position of At-Large Central Downtown Representative. Mr. Kilmer is the chief pharmacist at the Community Pharmacy. He has been involved in numerous volunteer activities, including forming GALVAnize (Gay and Lesbian Visibility Alliance) to promote the visibility of gays and lesbians. Mr. Kilmer succeeds Jack Garver.
TERM EXPIRES: 1-18-2016
County Executive appointment:
MARK CLARKE, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, 53713 - appointed to the remainder of a three-year term to the position of County Appointee. Mr. Clarke is the Executive Director and succeeds Kevin Gould.
TERM EXPIRES: 5-1-2015
Respectfully submitted,
Paul R. Soglin