Fiscal Note
The 2016 Adopted Capital Improvement Plan anticipates this project beginning in 2016 and being completed in 2017. Funds will be appropriated within project 1627 on the following schedule: $7.0m in 2016 and $6.0m in 2017. The project will be funded by TIF proceeds.
SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the Madison Parking Utility to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for architectural and engineering services required to design an approximately 650-stall parking facility on the south east corner of the intersection of East Main Street and South Livingston Street.
Whereas, the Capitol East District is a burgeoning part of Madison that is experiencing a high level of investment in development projects that are adding employment uses, residential space, retail, and tax base to the City; and,
WHEREAS, the City has recently invested in amenities and destinations that are drawing people to the Capitol East District including Central Park and Breese Stevens Field; and,
Whereas, additional parking is necessary to accommodate this growth, implement the City’s adopted plans for this area, and serve the needs of community destinations in the district; and,
Whereas, the City is in the process of completing a parking analysis of the Capitol East District and initial results indicate growing demand for parking in this area; and,
Whereas, the City has selected Gebhardt Development to move forward with a redevelopment project on the 800 S. Block of East Washington Avenue that is planned to incorporate StartingBlock Madison (a collaborative entrepreneurial hub), space for American Family Insurance (a 90 year old Madison-based Fortune 500 Company), a culinary training center, an entertainment venue, and other employment uses; and,
Whereas, this project will require parking to meet the needs of its anchor employment tenants; and,
Whereas, Madison Gas & Electric owns property located at the intersection of East Main and South Livingston Street used for equipment storage and MGE approached the City to discuss making this site available for construction of a parking facility to serve the proposed project as well as other needs in the area; and,
Whereas, the City’s 2016 Capital Budget and 2017 Capital Improvement Program include a total of $13,000,000 in funding to design and construct a Parking Structure in the Capitol East District; and,
Whereas, the City Economic Development Division plans to amend the project plan and boundary for Tax Increment District #36, one goal of which would be to create a funding mechanism to finance a parking structure in the Capitol East District; and,
Whereas, the Parking Utility has developed preliminary concept plans for a Parking Facility with approximately 650 stalls on the site at East Main and South Livingston.
Now Therefore Be it Resolved, that the Common Council herby authorizes the Parking Utility working with City Purchasing to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit the necessary architectural and engineering services to design a parking structure on the MGE-owned property located on the southeast corner of the intersection of East Main Street and South Livingston Street not to exceed a price of $750,000 to be funded via TIF and that the draft RFP will be presented for comment to the Transit and Parking Commission prior to its issuance; and,
BE it Further Resolved, that the Transit and Parking Commission/Parking Utility be afforded an opportunity to provide meaningful input on design, appearance and financing issues; and,
Be it Further Resolved, that pending the outcome of the RFP and requirements of Section 4.26 of the Madison General Ordinances, staff shall present a resolution to the Common Council to authorize an agreement with the selected contractor for such architectural and engineering services.