Madison, WI Header
File #: 87045    Version: 1 Name: Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan.
Type: Resolution Status: Report of Officer
File created: 2/5/2025 In control: BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. (District 9)
Sponsors: Nikki Conklin
Attachments: 1. Corridor Plan - Staff Presentation.pdf, 2. Sauk Creek Corridor Plan Report_2-5-2025.pdf, 3. Corridor Plan Map- Graphical Overview.pdf, 4. RegistrantsReport-PriorMeetings no. 15.pdf, 5. Public emails for Sauk Creek.pdf

Fiscal Note

There is no City appropriation required for the adoption of the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. Individual projects will be budgeted separately based on plan recommendations.


Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. (District 9)


WHEREAS, the Sauk Creek Greenway (“the Greenway”) is a 34.9 acre wooded waterway owned by the Stormwater Utility on the West side of Madison; and


WHEREAS, the Greenway is a major spine in the Pheasant Branch Watershed and is required to safely and effectively pass stormwater runoff through the system; and


WHEREAS, the Greenway is also the location of a major sanitary sewer interceptor that requires routine maintenance and access to meet regulatory requirements and in case of a potential emergency; and


WHEREAS, the City has long identified erosion, water quality, tree health, and access issues associated with the lack of maintenance of the channel and the wooded Greenway; and


WHEREAS, The residents adjacent to the Greenway requested a robust public process to allow for input and collaboration on potential project improvements; and


WHEREAS, The Sauk Creek Corridor Plan (“the Plan”) was developed as an overarching guide for implementing future projects, along with the maintenance and management of the Greenway; and


WHEREAS, the Plan used a heightened engagement process and public participation to ensure feedback from the residents and users of the public space; and


WHEREAS, the Plan follows citywide policies and recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan, Sustainability Plan, and other citywide plans to meet overarching city objectives; and


WHEREAS, the Plan was done in conjunction with the West Area Plan, incorporating appropriate guidance from that adopted plan and public engagement process; and


WHEREAS, future public improvements and maintenance efforts will be budgeted based on the Plan recommendations.


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison Common Council adopts the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff is directed to implement the recommendations contained within the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan.