Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the Fire Department’s capital budget and authorizes the Department to accept a donation of up to $124,000 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and its affiliates for the purchase of six (6) LUCAS Chest Compression Systems to provide mechanical CPR for patients experiencing cardiac arrest. No city funds are required.
BY TITLE ONLY: Authorizing the Madison Fire Department to accept a donation up to $124,000 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and its affiliates for the purchase of six (6) LUCAS Chest Compression Systems to provide mechanical CPR for patients experiencing cardiac arrest.
The proposed resolution accepts a donation of up to $124,000 from UW Health and its related affiliates, intended for the purchase of six (6) LUCAS devices to provide mechanical CPR. These devices would allow for patients who have suffered from cardiac arrest to receive effective CPR during transport to the Emergency Department where they can continue to receive lifesaving interventions including ECMO. Additionally, these devices have been found to improve the safety of EMS providers during transport of patient’s with active CPR as it allows providers to remain seated with safety belts buckled and therefore at significantly reduced risk of injury and death. Clinical studies have also shown the LUCAS to provide more effective chest compressions and decompressions than manual compressions, resulting in better patient outcomes.
WHEREAS, under Madison General Ordinances Section 4.29(4), the City may accept gifts valued at over $10,000 from non-affiliated organizations by Common Council resolution; and,
WHEREAS, UW Health and its related affiliates have offered to donate up to $124,000 to the City; and,
WHEREAS, City staff believe that the LUCAS devices will increase survivability of cardiac arrest victims as well as the safety of responders that must provide CPR during transportation of patients to local Emergency Departments;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council accepts the donation by UW Health and its affiliates identified herein to the City with gratitude and appreciation as a gift under MGO Sec.4.29(4).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2021 Fire Equipment capital budget program be amended to reflect up to $124,000 in donation revenue and associated expenses.