Fiscal Note
The Draft City of Madison Comprehensive Plan includes an array of recommendations regarding the City's plans for growth and development over the next several years. This Resolution only recommends that the Plan be adopted and will have no direct budgetary impact, but adoption and implementation of the Plan and its many recommendations may have significant fiscal implications that would require further Common Council authorization.
This Plan Commission Resolution recommends adoption of the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, as required by Sec. 66.1001(4), Wis. Stats.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 62.23(2) and (3), Wis. Stats., the City of Madison is authorized to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan, as defined in Sec. 66.1001(2), Wis. Stats.; and
WHEREAS the City received a Comprehensive Planning Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Administration to assist in the preparation of its comprehensive plan; and
WHEREAS the Common Council adopted a Public Participation Strategy and Procedures which describes how the City intends to engage the public in the process of developing the comprehensive plan and includes written procedures to foster broad public participation in every stage of the preparation of the comprehensive plan, as required by Sec. 66.1001(4)(a), Wis. Stats., and consistent with the City's long tradition of active citizen participation in planning activities; and
WHEREAS the Madison Plan Commission was designated as the Policy Advisory Committee to guide the preparation of the comprehensive plan, with the stipulation that the Common Council is invited to participate in all meetings where the Plan Commission is acting in that capacity; and
WHEREAS, following several rounds of public participation events and special activities designed to explain the comprehensive planning process, identify key community planning issues and opportunities, define important planning goals and objectives, and evaluate alternative planning recommendations and approaches, the Plan Commission prepared the May 2005 Discussion Draft of the Comprehensive Plan, which was widely distributed to the public, to neighborhood and community organizations, to relevant City boards, commissions and committees, and to the statutory distribution list prescribed in Sec. 66.1001(4)(b), Wis. Stats., in both printed and compact disc format; and
WHEREAS the Discussion Draft Comprehensive Plan was presented at another series of public meetings scheduled in different parts of the community, and the public was invited and encouraged to offer written comments and suggestions on the Draft Plan at the public meetings, by mail, by email, and through the interactive comment form provided on the City's Comprehensive Plan website; and
WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan staff compiled all of the comments received on the Discussion Draft Plan, and the Plan Commission discussed and considered these comments at a series of special work session meetings and recommended additions and revisions to the Discussion Draft based on these comments and other input; and prepared the revised October 2005 Public Hearing Draft of the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS an ordinance to adopt the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan has been introduced to the Common Council and referred to appropriate City boards, commissions and committees; and
WHEREAS a public hearing on the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan has been scheduled for the December 13, 2005 meeting of the Common Council, in compliance with the requirements of Sec. 66.1001(4)(d), Wis. Stats.; and
WHEREAS the revised October 2005 Public Hearing Draft of the Comprehensive Plan was again distributed to the public, to neighborhood and community organizations, to City of Madison boards, commissions and committees, to neighboring units of government, and to the statutory distribution list prescribed in Sec. 66.1001(4)(b), Wis. Stats., and written comments on the revised draft Plan were encouraged and multiple opportunities to submit written comments provided; and
WHEREAS written comments received on the revised Public Hearing Draft of the Comprehensive Plan were compiled and a response to those comments prepared for consideration by the Plan Commission and Common Council; and
WHEREAS the Madison Plan Commission believes that the Comprehensive Plan reflects the long-term goals for growth and development of the City as expressed by the citizens of Madison during the planning and public review process.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Plan Commission recommends that the "Public Hearing Draft City of Madison Comprehensive Plan" attached hereto as Exhibit A, with additional revisions as specified in the Plan Commission minutes for the December 5, 2005 and January 9, 2006 meetings, be adopted.