Fiscal Note
The Planning Division's 2024 Adopted Operating Budget includes $50,000 for Area Plan processes, including the public participation activities undertaken as part of Area Plan development. $41,500 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is also available for public participation activities in specific Census Tracts that aim to shape recommendations based on community-identified issues and needs. No additional City appropriation required.
Authorizing the Planning Division to lead the preparation of the Southeast Area Plan and Adopting a Public Participation Plan
WHEREAS, a planning framework with 12 area plans was approved by the Common Council on August 2, 2022 (RES-22-00577, File #71147); and
WHEREAS, RES-22-00577 identifies the Southeast Area as the third area plan to be undertaken; and
WHEREAS, the Southeast Area Plan is generally bounded by State Highway 30 on the north, the City of Monona and Lake Monona on the west, the Village of McFarland on the south, and Interstate 39/90 on the east, (see Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, substantial portions of the Southeast Area lack a neighborhood, area, or corridor plan to help guide growth and investment in these areas; and
WHEREAS, consistent with the planning framework, areas that include higher percentages of residents from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and those living with lower incomes than the remainder of the Southeast Area and city as a whole, will receive a special focus that includes more extensive public participation efforts; and
WHEREAS, there are six adopted city plans that cover portions of the Southeast Area: Marsh Road Neighborhood Plan (adopted in 1999), Hiestand Neighborhood Plan (2006), Stoughton Road Revitalization Project (2008), Royster-Clark Special Area Plan (2009), Cottage Grove Road Activity Centers Plan (2017), and Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan (2018); and
WHEREAS, the Southeast Area planning process will include a review of the recommendations of the aforementioned plans for consistency with the scope/level of detail established for area plans, current stakeholder priorities, and adopted citywide plans and policies such as the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, recommendations in underlying plans that are found to be consistent as described above, will generally be incorporated into the Southeast Area Plan, and then underlying plans will be considered for archiving; and
WHEREAS, the Southeast Area Plan will be an interagency effort, with collaboration and contributions from many City of Madison agencies, including but not limited to Parks, Engineering, Community Development, Economic Development, Transportation, Traffic Engineering, Streets, Forestry, Water Utility, Public Health, Fire, and Police; and
WHEREAS, Plan recommendations will focus on guiding changes to the physical aspects of the Southeast Area that occur incrementally over decades, such as development initiated by the private sector and infrastructure improvements typically carried out by the public sector; and
WHEREAS, Census Tract 30.02 (Exhibit B), generally the Hiestand Neighborhood, in the Southeast Area includes over 50% low- and moderate-income households, making it eligible for Community Development Block Grant funding, focused community engagement, and more detailed recommendations to address community identified issues in this area; and
WHEREAS, Wisconsin Comprehensive Planning Law (Sec. 66.1001 Wis. Stats.) requires adoption of written procedures fostering public participation since eventual Area Plan recommendations will update the City’s Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the attached public participation plan (Exhibit C) includes tools and techniques to reach stakeholders, including people who are typically underrepresented, and is consistent with Wisconsin Comprehensive Planning Law (Sec. 66.1001 Wis. Stats.).
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison Planning Division is authorized to lead the preparation of the Southeast Area Plan to guide land use, housing, urban design, transportation, parks and open space, historic and cultural resources, community facilities, utilities and other potential improvements within the area shown on the attached Southeast Area Plan boundary map; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the attached public participation plan (Exhibit C) is adopted as a guide that proactively and equitably engages and informs residents, businesses, property owners, and other stakeholders within the Southeast Area and complies with statutory requirements for amending the City’s Comprehensive Plan.