Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Amending Sections 33.24(4)(b) and (c), repealing Section 33.24(7)(a), and creating Section 28.151(g), Multi-Family Building Complexes, of the Madison General Ordinances to replace a reference to "Rowhouses" with "Multi-Family Building Complex."
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This amendment replaces Urban Design Commission ("UDC") review of "Rowhouses" with review of "Multi-Family Building Complexes," and updates a cross reference, to correspond with changes in the zoning code, Chapter 28. It also establishes a reference to UDC review in the supplemental regulation for Multi-Family Building Complexes in Sec. 28.151, MGO.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subdivision (b) entitled "Planned Developments" of Subsection (4) entitled "Powers and Duties" of Section 33.24 entitled "Urban Design Commission" of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
"(b) Planned Developments. The Urban Design Commission shall review the design of all proposed developments that are considered planned developments under provisions of the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., Secs. 28.098 and 28.099). In exercising this power, the commission shall be bound by the provisions of the multi-family building complex supplemental regulations under Section 28.151 Section 28.098(2) and shall report its findings to the City Plan Commission and Common Council.
2. Subdivision (c) entitled "Rowhouses" of Subsection (4) entitled "Powers and Duties" of Section 33.24 entitled "Urban Design Commission" of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
(c) Rowhouses Multi-Family Building Complexes. The Urban Design Commission shall review the exterior design and appearance of all principal buildings or structures and the landscape plans of all proposed rowhouses multi-family building complexes. It shall ensure compliance with the requirements established in Section 28.08(5)(c)10. of the Madison General Ordinances and shall review the exterior design and appearance of all principal buildings or structures and the landscape plans of all rowhouses in relation to the standards established in Sec. 33.02(7) of these ordinances. It shall report its findings and recommendations to the City Plan Commission."
3. Subdivision (a) entitled "Rowhouse Criteria" of Subsection (7) entitled "Urban Design Commission Criteria" of Section 33.24 entitled "Urban Design Commission" of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby repealed.
4. Subdivision (g) of Subsection entitled "Multi-Family Building Complex" of Section 28.151 entitled" Applicability" of the Madison General Ordinances is created to read as follows:
"(g) Shall be reviewed by the UDC pursuant to Sec. 33.24(4)(c), MGO."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 33.24(7)(a) currently reads as follows:
"(a) Rowhouse Criteria.
1. The mass or volume and setback of proposed structures appear comparable to that of existing buildings in the immediate area.
2. Facades of new structures should maintain a compatible relationship with those of existing structures in terms of:
a. Windowsill or header lines.
b. Proportion and rhythm of window and door openings.
c. Horizontal or vertical emphasis of major building elements.
d. Extent of architectural detail.
e. Presence of porches.
3. Building materials which, in appearance, are similar or compatible to those used on the exteriors of existing structures in the area should be used.
4. Roof slope and orientation should be similar to others in the immediate area.
5. Front setback variations will be required and shall be part of the Urban Design Commission's review, findings and recommendations."