Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves the revised plan documents for the WisDOT agreement (RES-18-04009 (ID # 51504) and RES-18-00762 (ID # 53476) ) pretaining to the East Johnson Street reconstruction project from Baldwin Street to First Street in 2019 to include the widening the fleet service driveway and associated improvements. The cost is anticipated to be $65,000 which is available within the existing $7.2 million project budget for the East Johnson Street reconstrction project as amended in Janaury of 2019 by file Legistar file #54207.
Approving Revised Plans & Specifications for East Johnson Street Assessment District - 2019. (2nd & 12th ADs)
The proposed changes include widening of the fleet services driveway from 15’ to 30’, create a median opening in First Street between Dayton Street and Mifflin Street, relocate of portion of sidewalk along the driveway, revise the median on First Street near East Johnson Street to be raised instead of corrugated, and demolish a shed used by the City of Madison Police Department to accommodate the future Public Market entrance. The widened driveway will allow vehicles to have a right-in, right-out, and left-in onto First Street. The removal of the shed will allow for bi-directional traffic to travel to the back of the Fleet Services/Future Public Market Site.
1. That the City at large is justly chargeable with and shall pay the sum of $65,000 of the entire cost of said improvement.
2. That the amended plans and specifications in the Report of the Board of Public Works and the Report of the City Engineer for the above named improvement be and are hereby approved.
3. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept dedication of lands and/or easements from the Developer/Owner and Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District for public improvements located outside of existing public fee title or easement right-of-ways.
4. That the City indemnifies the State Wisconsin of Transportation.
5. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute agreements with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of East Johnson Street.
6. That allow City Engineering to enter into agreements with private utility companies for utility agreements.