Fiscal Note
The Common Council previously authorized $664,145 in Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding for the Business Energy Incentive Program (BEEP) (RES-10-00590, Legistar ID# 18845, adopted 7/6/2010 and RES-10-00848 Legistar ID# 20094, adopted 10/19/2010). This Resolution permits the Community Development Division to reapportion $19,930 of these funds in reconfigured amounts, among the BEEP projects and recipients indicated herein. No additional appropriation is required.
Approving the reapportionment of $19,930 in previously-approved EECBG funds for the Community Development Division’s Business Energy Incentives Program (BEEP), and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all requisite agreements with the designated recipient organization.
On July 7, 2010, the Common Council approved the funding of $664,145 in EECBG funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for 12 energy efficiency (“BEEP”) projects (RES-10-00590 Legistar ID# 18845 and RES-10-00848 Legistar ID# 20094). The selected projects had been recommended for funding by the BEEP Review Committee out of an initial pool of 42 applicant businesses and organizations.
The management team at Quaker Housing, a local non-profit organization, recently submitted a request to the Community Development Division for $260,985 in CDBG assistance to update two boilers, install new windows, repair a roof venting problem, update air conditioning units, purchase security cameras, and install an electronic keying system. At this time, there are insufficient CDBG and HOME funds available in the Housing Development Reserve Fund to fund this request. However, since a portion of the proposed work to be completed includes energy efficiency upgrades, CDD staff recommends BEEP funding in the amount of $19,930 to cover the eligible energy efficiency upgrade costs for Quaker Housing’s project. 50% of this figure ($9,965) would be provided as a one-time grant, while the remaining 50% would be provided as an installment loan.
One of the original BEEP recipient businesses, Strictly Discs, will only be utilizing $7,500 of their initial allocation of $17,222, leaving $9,722 unused. CDD staff proposes to use this unused allocation, plus $10,208 out of the BEEP administrative budget, to fund the EECBG-eligible portion of Quaker Housing’s project.
See Attachment A.
WHEREAS, the Common Council approved $644,145 in EECBG funding for twelve Business Energy Incentive Program (BEEP) projects, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with the recipient businesses and organizations (RES-10-00590, Legistar ID# 18845, enacted 7/7/2010); and,
WHEREAS, Quaker Housing has submitted a funding request to CDD in the amount of $260,985 to update two boilers, install new windows, repair a roof venting problem, update air conditioning units, purchase security cameras and install an electronic keying system; and,
WHEREAS, there are currently insufficient funds in the CD Division’s Housing Development Reserve Fund to fund this request; and,
WHEREAS, $19,930 of Quaker Housing’s proposed project costs would be eligible for EECBG funding through CDD’s Energy Services Unit’s BEEP program; and,
WHEREAS, a combination of unused and administrative BEEP funds are available to adequately fund the EECBG-eligible costs of this project;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby approves the CD Division’s request to use $19,930 in unused and administrative BEEP funds to fund the energy efficiency upgrade portion of Quaker Housing’s project; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves the CD Division’s request to reapportion the previously authorized BEEP funds among the projects and recipients indicated herein, and in the reconfigured amounts and forms of assistance indicated; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into grant and/or loan agreements with the recipient businesses and organizations as required to implement the funded projects; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and deliver any documents necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution.