Fiscal Note
This resolution amends the 2008 Operating Budgets of the Streets Division and Fleet Service agencies. A total of $599,000 would be appropriated from the Contingent Reserve, reducing the current reserve amount from $639,695 to a new level of $40,695.
Streets Division accounts would be amended as follows:
GN01-51110 Permanent Salaries ($125,000)
GN01-51200 Hourly Wages $ 33,850
GN01-51300 Overtime Wages $ 411,850
GN01-54540 Equipment Rental $ 125,080
GN01-54802 Process Fees-Recyclables $ 60,000
GN01-54811 Process Fees-Electronics $ 60,000
GN01-55670 Street Repair Materials $ 60,100
GN01-55660 Snow & Ice Control Supplies $ 215,740
GN01-56550 Inter-D Charges-Fleet Service $ 530,710
GN01-59560 Inter-D Billing $ 185,880
GN01-76680 Recycling Revenues (inc) ($ 590,010)
GN01-73110 FEMA reimbursement (inc) ($ 369,200)
Required appropriation $ 599,000
Fleet Service accounts would be amended as follows:
IM01-55470-550000 Diesel Fuel $ 530,710
IM01-55470-550000 Inter-D Billings from Streets ($ 530,710)
Amending the 2008 Operating Budget for the Streets Division and Fleet Service to cover 2008 budget shortfalls.
WHEREAS, the Streets Division's operating budget is over budget in many major categories related to the winter and spring of 2008, and
WHEREAS, Overtime Wages, Hourly Wages, Purchased Services, Supplies and Inter-Departmental Charges are over budget by $1,683,210, and
WHEREAS, Permanent Salaries in the Streets Division are expected to be under budget by $125,000, and
WHEREAS, Revenues from the Recycling program are expected to be $590,000 more than budgeted, and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison will receive reimbursement from FEMA for the snowstorm on February 6-7, 2008, and
WHEREAS, the total FEMA reimbursement for the City of Madison will be 500,941, of which $369,200 are for costs incurred by the Streets Division.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council amends the 2008 Operating Budget to authorize the following adjustments:
Streets Division:
Permanent Salaries - $(125,000) - savings
Hourly wages - $33,850
Overtime - $411,850
Equipment Rental (Snowplow contractors) - $125,080
Processing Fees for recyclables - $60,000
Processing Fees for electronics (new program) - $60,000
Street Repair Materials - $60,100
Snow and Ice Control Supplies (Road salt and sand) - $215,740
Inter-D charges - Fleet service - $530,710
Inter-D billings - Stormwater Utility - $185,880
Recycling revenues - $590,010 - revenues above budgeted level
Grant revenue from FEMA - $369,200
Fleet Service:
Diesel Fuel - $530,710
Inter-D billings to Streets Division - $(530,710)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $599,000 be appropriated from the Contingency Reserve to the Streets Division's Operating Budget.