Fiscal Note
The RFP is for a contract that may total up to $175,000. Funding of $175,000 for the Capitol Gateway Corridor project management, marketing and transportation studies is authorized in the 2009 Adopted PCED Capital Budget, project #12, "TID 36-Capitol Gateway Corridor," Account No. 823601.
Authorizing the City of Madison to issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and providing that the Mayor, Director of Planning & Community & Economic Development, and City Clerk may enter into contracts with the selected consultants, for East Washington Avenue Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan Implementation and Redevelopment Management Services and for East Washington Avenue Capitol Gateway Corridor Marketing Services.
WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Recommendations as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan on February 5, 2008 (Legislative File ID No. 05532); and,
WHEREAS, through the aforementioned resolution, the Common Council directed City staff to work with neighborhood and business associations, property owners, residents and other interested groups to begin to implement the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan's recommendations; and,
WHEREAS, through the aforementioned resolution, the Common Council directed the appropriate City agencies to consider including the recommendations of the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Urban Design Guidelines in future work plans and budgets in accordance with the priorities stated in the Plan; and,
WHEREAS, City staff has identified the need for implementation and redevelopment management services; including the possible need for developing and staffing an oversight committee, facilitating stakeholder outreach, working with prospective businesses looking to move to or expand within the Corridor, profiling available space, facilitating the successful implementation of redevelopment projects, identifying and profiling City involvement, profiling public amenities, managing public relations activities, and other related tasks; and,
WHEREAS, City staff has identified the need to market the Corridor, including the preparation of collateral materials, identification of target markets, the development of a website, and other similar activities; and,
WHEREAS, the 2009 Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development Capital Budget includes $175,000 for providing marketing and outreach efforts to assist in the retention and expansion of existing businesses, and to attract new businesses to the Capitol Gateway Corridor; including professional fees for project management and marketing.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Planning & Community & Economic Development is authorized to issue a request for proposals for Capitol Gateway Corridor Implementation and Redevelopment Management Services, and that a City staff team is authorized to select a consultant to provide said services, and that the Mayor, Director of Planning & Community & Economic Development, and City Clerk are authorized to execute any and all documents with the selected consultant to perform the services described in this resolution; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Director of Planning & Community & Economic Development is authorized to issue a request for proposals for Capitol Gateway Corridor Marketing Services, and that a City staff team is authorized to select a consultant to provide said services, and that the Mayor, Director of Planning & Community & Economic Development, and City Clerk are authorized to execute any and all documents with the selected consultant to perform the services described in this resolution.