Fiscal Note
The Resolution amends the 2011 adopted operating budget of the Community Development Division (CDD) to recognize a portion of grant proceeds awarded to the Senior Center. The total grant amount is $60,530, $20,000 of which will be expended in 2011, with the remainder to be included as part of the CDD 2012 operating budget. There is no net impact on the levy.
Authorizing the City of Madison, through the Madison Senior Center, to accept an 18 month OASIS Institute grant, funded by the WellPoint Foundation to implement CATCH Healthy Habits program in Madison, WI, and amending the 2011 Adopted Operating Budget of the Community Development Division to recognize additional grant revenues and associated expenditures.
WHEREAS, the United States is facing an epidemic in childhood obesity which, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, has more than tripled among children aged 6-11 years in the past 30 years, from 6.5% in 1980 to 19.6% in 2008, and
WHEREAS, the CATCH Healthy Habits program is an adaptation of the nationally recognized evidence-based Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) curriculum, developed by the University of California, San Diego and the University of Texas, and
WHEREAS, CATCH Healthy Habits is an intergenerational physical activity/nutrition program with positive impacts on older adults, who facilitate the program sessions, and on children in kindergarten through fifth grade, and
WHEREAS, the WellPoint Foundation has provided funding to the OASIS Institute to expand this program between 2011 and 2012 in at least 18 US cities across 14 states, including Madison, WI, and
WHEREAS, the Madison Senior Center has a national reputation for mobilizing older persons in service to the senior center and in their community, and
WHEREAS, the OASIS Institute has chosen the Madison Senior Center to receive a grant of $60,530 from July 2011 through December 2012 to implement this program in Madison, WI, and
WHEREAS, the Madison Senior Center has exceptional and experienced senior adults who may be interested in serving with this program and a wealth of community partners to implement this program for the benefit of Madison youngsters, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Madison, through the Madison Senior Center, is authorized to accept a grant award from the OASIS Institute for CATCH Healthy Habits program, for the period July 2011 through December 2012.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council authorizes the expenditure of grant funds in accordance with the grant award as follows:
Madison Senior Center:
Part-time Coordinator Salary/Benefits 38,500
Nutritious Snack Foods 5,300
Training and Conference Travel 1,900
Mileage 1,250
Volunteer Training/Recognition 8,400
Printing/Postage 5,180
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the 2011 Adopted Operating Budget of the Community Development Division be amended to recognize that portion of grant revenues and associated expenditures to be administered in 2011 (with the remainder to be included in the 2012 CDD operating budget), as follows:
$12,120 Hourly Salary for Coordinator GN01-51200-275000
$ 1,380 Coordinator Benefit Expense GN01-52000-275000
$ 1,000 Conference/Meetings GN01-54630-275000
$ 250 Mileage Expense GN01-54620-275000
$ 2,000 Food and Beverage: Healthy Snack Foods GN01-55540-275000
$ 1,900 Volunteer Training/Travel GN01-54640-275000
$ 400 Volunteer Support/Recognition GN01-55110-275000
$ 250 Evaluation Materials GN01-55280-275000
$ 400 Printing GN01-55130-275000
$ 300 Postage GN01-55140-275000
$20,000 Subtotal
$20,000 Grant Revenues GN01-78520-275000
$ 0 Net Levy Impact